There have been threads about getting your nilla spouse to walk on the kink side

Take a breath, guys.

I'm not going to finish WD's shit.

I've been avoiding WD on the GB for a long time. I'll just do it here, as well.
I should mention that I didn't mean to insult anyone by using the word deviant. This is what the word actually means. This is the only manner in which I was using it.

Main Entry: de·vi·ant
Pronunciation: -&nt
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
: deviating especially from an accepted norm <deviant behavior>
- deviant noun
More or less the way I use it, and why I'm proud of my "deviancy".

I just got a little pissed about seeing shit I thought we'd already had out and around and around and under and over in the GB.

No big deal, since it doesn't look like the shit-storm is brewin' anymore.