There's got to be a poem, right?

Liar said:
Huh, either she's drugged up to her eyebrows, or that is not a woman in labor.

Weird indeed.

It could be, Liar. Many women are at piece giving birth. With my oldest daughter I was in labor 2 hours. With my second I got to the hospital at 4:05pm and my daughter was born at 5:03pm. I felt very little pain. There is something mystical in child bearing, though not all women experience that. The animal in the picture is supposed to be a bear. She is giving birth on a bear rug. Theres something primal there, though in most of the reading I've done women gave birth in a squatting position, and Dr's and midwives are just now coming back around to that.
i've only just seen it (and now on my way out the door to work)... but do you see the 'pole' going to her belly from the bear rug? interesting to see an external umbilical cord...

hey, maybe that's poetry.


back later.

wildsweetone said:
ah... maybe the animal is taking her pain?
The animal is a bear rug. An ex-animal. But then again, I'm a simple fella. The whole magic of either totems or childbirth is beyond me.

Besides, the Spears lass had a planned c-section. (My lady is a bit of a tabloid junkie, so I get peppred with that kind of info.)

Now, my question about the statue is, why are there no pictures of it from the behind angle? (And do I really want that?)
Well, Boo, I don't have any ideas for the poem and I can't stand Brittany Spears. Not that I'm against tacky poems; I've written quite a few myself. :D

Anyway, I see what you mean. I'm going back to the calm place now. See you there.

oh wow I am really sorry!

I understood that your original post was a joke, but I didn't know the part about calling people asses was supposed to be a joke too! Oh I feel so foolish!

I guess that humor went right over my head, I am sure glad everyone else thought it was funny :D

BooMerengue said:
Oh good grief, Anna. You would take this personal, wouldn't you?

I only meant it as a joke- it's nearly April Fool's Day. I doubt seriously theres a poem there, though Recidiva did a pretty good job, and in exactly the tone I meant. This statue is about the tackiest thing I've ever seen. Eve's got the right idea, too. WSO? If you managed one of your good poems out of this I would think you'd be voted Poet Of The Century!!! lol

Chill out Anna. You'll feel better.
wildsweetone said:
ah... maybe the animal is taking her pain?

I don't know wether this is sarcastic or not, but it feels sincere because of the heart from which it comes, whihc seems rarely to offer sharp sarcasm.

It is beautiful.

Sex&Death said:
I don't know wether this is sarcastic or not, but it feels sincere because of the heart from which it comes, whihc seems rarely to offer sharp sarcasm.

It is beautiful.


i try to ensure i don't do sarcasm. thanks for your comments. :rose:

when i first saw the original post of Boo's, i was quite turned off by the whole statue - the colour in the first posting is very odd. but when i found those close ups, i was surprised to see the look on the woman's face, the placement of her hands and the 'look' of the bear. i didn't realise it was a rug until Boo mentioned it.

and it truely does look as if the bear is taking the pain for the woman.
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