There's no ned for the Welcome Wagon here.

Wondering if it's my breath or if I said something that Mensa took offensively? Ah, who knows. Always gonna be someone who doesn't like ya. To each his own. :)
Sorry for the delay, should have replied a page ago!

Hey Blue, Momentarily stunned? Wow, ok...Now why would I not want to reply to such a sophisticated gentlemen such as yourself. It's my pleasure to be sure. Now, just because I said I was beautiful does not mean that I am, but then again, I could be. I will leave that up to your overactive imagination. Lets just say this, I have a very contaigous smile...and laughing eyes, need I say more?

Glad you summoned up the courage to write me and you didn't even have to start a shy workshop like I did...Damn, I hate being shy, went over well and turned me into quite a ChattyKatty...Nuff said.

PS, thanks for the hug!

Hugs KitKat
This just in...

I have uncovered exclusive video footage of what happened to Ned... This scene is graphic and may offend some viewers. Please if you have small children, do not let them view this.


Isnt that just awful???
SimplySouthern said:
Although some people here (I won't mention any names LUV DOC) would love to tarnish my reputation, those that know me well can see through that. I am a sweet innocent lil' (sorry...had to use it)southern girl.

Can somebody please tell me when is being called a "helluva lay" such a bad thing? (and she IS one mighty fine piece o' ass, by the way, she's just too humble to admit it to all of y'all, God bless her.)

I mean, if the situation was reversed, I'd be prancing around crowing about how the lovely SS digs my "skillz" (and BOY did she seem to the other night. Not to fornicate and tell, but I haven't heard sounds like that out of a woman since the time I mistakenly grabbed a vibrating electric back massager for a transvaginal ultrasound.)

Maybe she doesn't understand the prestige that goes with the "Oliver Clozoff honorary certificate of copulatory achievement." Come on, Southie... repeat after me:

Say it and say it loud,
I'm great snatch and I'm proud!

(I'm gonna catch hell for this'un. ;))
OMG...Holy shit...I can't believe you went on with this post. You sir have sullied my reputation with out and out lies.

I am not THAT loud....the neighbors only beat on the bedroom wall that ONE time. And if I am not mistaken, it was you who had to have a pillow shoved over their face...kept calling out all the correct anatomical terms for the body parts!

you should have your ass beat for telling all this in "public" but we can save that for next time ;)
Siren...I knew I could count on you....still my role model.

I'll try to steer away from the more criminal acts in this here thread...but I wanna make sure I am fully compensated for all that has transpired here. And, in turn, you shall be compensated.

Think it over...what can we hope to gain here? ;)
Siren; the creative legal mind

Out of what orfice of your body did you pull a cause of action for lack of legal representation. I am not qualified to handle her case against SS but you, if you are a lawyer, can sue this Dr. and everyone else who has tried to tanish the reputation of our dear,sweet Ms. Scarlett.

I can't even bear to think of a lawyer having sex with a doc. Aren't there laws against stuff like that. A lawyer would never sink that low!

Ya right. Siren.

I caught a bit of sarcasm in that last post. Don't ever confuse kindness for weakness.

If I lighten up anymore, I'll float away. Oh, by the way, was that wit???

Now,now,siren. Don't go off. (forgive the pun). I was just being witty. You know how us lawyers are.

As if

you really cared, Siren. I am just joking,too. Just like you.

So, you wanna cut the crap and be friends, or what? I stopped doing the dozens a long time ago.


[Edited by FlamingoBlue on 07-13-2000 at 08:07 PM]
Southern Comfort

SimplySouthern said:
Wondering if it's my breath or if I said something that Mensa took offensively? Ah, who knows. Always gonna be someone who doesn't like ya. To each his own. :)

My Sweet Siren of the South, I do believe you have misread me. I both adore and admire you. You display a willingness to take on all comers; an admirable quality.

When I saw that phrase" lay of the land" I simply couldn't let such a golden opportunity pass. If my rash and impetuous nature caught you in the crossfire; I apologize! You were simply unfortunate to be collateral damage.

I suspect my retort was influenced by the Luv Doc whom you have accused of misdiagnosing your character. Take care with that one, I suspect we may have a budding " Dr. Evil" on our hands. LOL

So my Darling Damsel from Dixie; I do most humbly beg your forgiveness for my most inconsiderate behaviour< grovelling at your feet> and please call off your paladin, Siren, who is threatening to " probe my assets". LMAO

Siren: I never allow anyone to do such a thing... leastwise not without dinner and a kiss! LOL

I submit the preceding as a traditional apology. A contempory one would go something like " Shit, lady, I didn't mean nuffin' by it. Can't you take a joke? Get over it!"

Please feel free to accept either version although I personally reccomend the first.
Careful, you're losing it again.

Okay, I think I've got it right this time. SimplySouthern is the Siren of the South and your Siren just. Is that right?
Thank you Mensa for clearing that up. Apology accepted. Now you can begin to trash me in earnest as all the others do. If you were nice to me from here on out, I would take it as a personal insult. Siren of the south...darling damsel in dixie...cute. Very cute :)
As a matter of fact...

Mensa said:
I suspect my retort was influenced by the Luv Doc whom you have accused of misdiagnosing your character. Take care with that one, I suspect we may have a budding " Dr. Evil" on our hands. LOL

If you only knew how right you are, Mensa! I've recently been accepted into the exclusive and prestigious program of study of "evil medicine". Before I'm able to receive my E.M.D., however, I have to complete a rigorous course of study in courses such as "masterminding", "attempting to take over the world", "ordering evil henchmen about", "smirking", and "sinister laughter 101".