Things I've learned...

ChemE_student said:

32. No man is so shy, so concerned about treating women like equals, or so committed to his current relationship that he could not be coaxed into having wild sex the moment a woman showed any interest whatsoever.

ChemE [/B]

That isn't a Lit cliche, that's real life.

ChemE_student said:

32. No man is so shy, so concerned about treating women like equals, or so committed to his current relationship that he could not be coaxed into having wild sex the moment a woman showed any interest whatsoever.


Well that one's pretty much true. At least 99% of the time.
What?!? Jeez, people, are we a little cynical or what? I don't know any men like that, because I live on a college campus with 3000 men and I haven't had a date (other than Dr. M) all year! I think men in the real world are a LOT more shy than the ones I read about here.

Since you think all men are like that, let me ask: If you were, say, a member of a college baseball team and a very attractive woman came to every single game (including freezing cold games in February with total attendence of 50), cheered her heart out, and always smiled and said hello, would ya think maybe she wanted you? Just curious, because they sure as heck seem shy! ;)

ChemE_student said:
I don't know any men like that, because I live on a college campus


Need we say more?

Cynical maybe and most certainly
