Things that made you smile today ~ 2013

Eating quesidillas at a restaurant I haven't been to in over 10 years, table on the pavement outside, watching the world go by, reading my book, just chilling out and catching some sunshine...

... then buying three books at my favourite secondhand bookshop....

... then hearing two guys in their 50s busking on steel slide guitar and snare drum, old fashioned rock & blues...

... then having a cup of white chocolate ice cream with Maltesers smashed in...

I deserved today :)
Noise reducing headphones mean I can't hear the cat yowling outside :)
Noise reducing headphones mean I can't hear the cat yowling outside :)

I need to get some of these, too. . .for all different purposes, unfortunately. Mostly to block out the horrible music that they seem to play in public places in the U.S. at Chipotle and grocery stores like Kroger. (What's with this social trend? Can no one be lost in their own private thoughts or creativity anymore?)

Can you recommend a brand?

I'm going to price compare a Bose with Beats since their very similar.

My sympathies! I have an occasional Rotweiler that my neighbor's leave outside and he likes to howl at inopportune hours of the night, too!
Seeing a Dee!

A beautiful, hard working woman. She knows who she is.

A pain free morning.

Stories progressing.

The ideas for other creative outlets bouncing around in my head.
Rye flour shampoo! Holy shit! This stuff is so good. I have long hair (around the middle of my back) and I've been trying for a long time to find a substitute for ordinary shampoo... 1.) It's ridiculously expensive to get salon quality shampoo - try at least $30 a bottle - and it's full of horrible stuff that's bad for your hair/pretty much everything. 2.) It weighs down my hair SO BAD. And it always feels like too much hair.

So this rye flour stuff, I took like three tablespoons and blended them into a paste. There are lots of blogs out there talking about this, they show you pictures and things of what it looks like. It should feel like the weight of shampoo when you put it on your fingers. You focus on your scalp, get it all over really good, let it sit for a few minutes, rinse it off... and BOOM. I got my old mermaid hair back like, immediately. I can't stop petting my hair.
Listening to him drive home from work... He had me on speaker phone and I just listened to him talk at other drivers and talk about his day... He always makes me smile
Sitting by the fire, drinking booze and talking about stupid things we did as teens... lol:D
Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back is on television.

My 18 month old yells "Daddy!" pointing animatedly at the screen. Who is in sight? The dashing Han Solo.

A few minutes later I hear "Mummy!" and look up to see a similar gesture. Who is on screen? Princess Leia?

