Things to do online....

I research stuff through Google.
I check the weather.
I look for books to purchase.
I chat with family or friends.
I'm an whore. :eek:
I also play Literati (
Definitly Lit of course. I also go on a lot of basketball websites like I go on ESPN and few other message boards. And the occasional porn site beside Lit. 20 yr. old have needs.:D
I just like to get into trouble and it is so easy to do online.......;)
I correspond with current students online.

I correspond with former students online.

I spend way too much time on my website.

I'm a search junkie.

I rarely visit porn sites! Oh, you say Lit is a porn site? I didn't know that.
like BlueSugar, i love - mostly for Strong Bad's emails. if you haven't been there yet, you're really missing out! trogdor!!!

i don't know about anyone else, but i'm a huge YahooGroups whore. i'm a member of about 10 and browse through them at least once a day for good posts.

i also just discovered an amazing and hilarious blog:

the 3 authors post commentary on real-life news stories that make you ask "america, seriously...what the fuck?!?"

finally, being a wiccan babe, i frequent to get all my pagan-related news...

Bob, if you like online games, you should check out Settlers of Catan. there's a java server online based on the boardgame, which my friends and i play rather religiously. the web address is:

you should look up the rules first as they aren't listed on the site...try:

i'd highly recommend the real life boardgame too - great fun, even for older children.
The internet is a good and joyful thing. I spend the majority of my time online:

drooling over
looking at porn
downloading nifty freeware programs (I swear, that whole 'all the best things in life are free' is completely true)
getting ideas for role-playing campaigns
looking at people's journals
miscellaneous research for researching's sake
hmmm...well, I'm always watching thai lakorns online(doozija), updating my live journal and webby. Those are my online addictions *grins.":rose: