Thinkings, feelings and...doings ~ 2013

Feeling: Little more than tipsy.

Thinking: I really shouldn't type in this state. My sister is the best. I'm hungry. :(

Doing: Concentrating really hard on typing proper words. Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

Also thank goodness for auto correct ! Now there's something I never thought I'd say :p

Merry Christmas everybody! :D
LT ~ Today was an awesome day. It just was. In fact, I'm rather sad it's ending.

Feeling ~ Rather cold, despite drinking plenty of hot tea, I think I made a mistake in not wearing a hat when I went out in the -22C weather today...should know better at my age really.

Doing ~ Pondering new story ideas and getting ready to snuggle up in bed.
Thinking ... I hope everyone had a good holiday.
Feeling ... well.
Doing ... hanging out and trying to work.
LT: Alexandra Daddario in True Detective makes me gay.

F: Depraved. In need of inspiration.

D: Binge watching True Detective. Picking at a box of Black Magic.
Thinking: Why is it that after Christmas is gone I'm still expected to spend time socializing. Why can't I be in two places at once.

Feeling: A little sad. Spending time with friends is fun, except when it inhibits spending time with other friends.

Doing: Pouting over spilt milk. Waiting for a game to load so I can distract myself.
Thinking: Why is it that after Christmas is gone I'm still expected to spend time socializing. Why can't I be in two places at once.

Feeling: A little sad. Spending time with friends is fun, except when it inhibits spending time with other friends.

Doing: Pouting over spilt milk. Waiting for a game to load so I can distract myself.

What game?
What game?

Hehe just some silly thing called Kitchen Scramble, I found in the playstore. I like cooking games :p

I've not yet tried my hand at anything serious on the gaming front. Not sure I'd be good at it. Also kinda clueless about where to start.
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Hehe just some silly thing called Kitchen Scramble, I found in the playstore. I like cooking games :p

I've not yet tried my hand at anything serious on the gaming front. Not sure I'd be good at it. Also kinda clueless about where to start.

It just depends what kind of stuff you're into. Like role playing, fantasy, action, adventure or horror. My tastes are kind of eclectic, so I have everything from Lego video games to the Resident Evil...
Exhausted....that moment when you unexpectedly have two children you didn't have the day before...
I COULD work on these eight essays . . .

or BioShock.


Fucking finally.
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I COULD work on these eight essays . . .

or BioShock.


Fucking finally.

BioShock. Yes. I'm on BioShock 2 at the moment.

Also, glad you finished the scarf. You've been knitting that since Rowling published Philosopher's Stone back in the 1990's.

Edit: Brooklyn Nine-Nine is fucking hilarious.
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Oh, random winter malaise, nice to see you again! Are you the flu? Are you a cold? Are you a vacation-hangover? Who knows!

Thinking about how many posts I owe. (Eeek!)
Feeling kinda grumpy.
Doing? Nothing productive, that's for sure.
Thinking: Why does everyone show up when I'm not around?!!!!

Feeling: Meh...

Doing: Not much!
It just depends what kind of stuff you're into. Like role playing, fantasy, action, adventure or horror. My tastes are kind of eclectic, so I have everything from Lego video games to the Resident Evil...

Ooooooooh yeah ... Resident Evil isn't for me. I'd be blocking my eyes the whole time. Fantasy and Adventure sound like they're up my alley.
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