This is way past ridiculous

MissTaken said:
Peek A Boo!


Thanks, mbb for sending your lazy assed weasels! All they did was chase down my loving, delicate and highly trained weasels, accosting their senisibilities and trying to fornicate. Next time, send the hamsters! At least, they occupy themselves running in funny little wheels, going nowhere for hours on end.

And damn sure did very little to help me move, as would be the same with some of my friends. *cough*


Yep, thank you everyone who didn't recognize mbb's tongue firmly implanted in his cheek, but yes, this was a joke. The silly man has not only known my circumstances, but has access to me via telephone should he so desire. *hint hint*

Jokes like this are wonderful examples for encouraging the use of emoticons.

:D:D:D <-----mbb hates the toothy critter, in particular. I think his tastes are discriminatory.

So, I am finally moved, mostly unpacked, have started my new job and the children have entered another blissful year of academia. Phew! I am exhausted. And now, I have to go get my small game license to off a few of these flippin weasels!

Twaddle. I heard someone was getting a "new #", and I offed the old one in anticipation of getting a "new" one, which, of course, has yet to materialize. My new phone card has yet to materialize as well.

See the FAQ for "how to send a PM". IT is still better then the "losing control" panel.
Twaddle this! Twaddle that!


Thank you, pet!

I am not much on beastiality especially with rodents and such!


It's just all about some people.


Be like that.

With friends like you . . . .
Breaks out the whip...

I go away for a few days, and this place goes to hell in a handbasket.
I was under the impression that we were travelling in a boxcar. Am I sadly mistaken (not that OTHER one)?
glad the pieces of your life are slowly falling into place, MissT!

sorry to mbb for not recognizing the joke! *hangs head sheepishly*
Hanging head and holding out hands for a slap.

I apologize for getting upset. I don't normally have that knee jerk reaction, but I am human.

Please accept my humblest, and sincere apologies. I saw a wonderful lady being put down and I reacted without thought.

Mr. Mbb308, You are right and I should have either searched to see if you were joking, or stayed out of it.

Miss T, can you forgive me? I was very naughty, and it wasn't even in a good way.

I hope your move was happy and you are settling in. Does this mean you are closer to me?
Sweet Merelan

Hey, darlin.

You did nothing wrong. Nada! Rien! Zilch!

I am touched by your posts and as usual, you are a stunning and wonderful lady who's passion runs deep.

mbb was the naughty one.

I think EB needs to get her whip and strap on and teach that boy some manners. ;)

And yes, I am near that city just a bit north of you.

Moderating the moderator

Excuse me, Ma'am Sir, Ma'am, but this is not a ;) kind of thread.

It is not even a :mad: kind of thread.

I has been abused by the appearance of :D .

So why don't you go :p

And thank you so much for sharing.

Tell EB that I have leather slings. I buy the wondemous ones. And I love them deeply.

FungiUg said:
Who needs enemas?

*giggles* Nice one, fungiUg!

However, poor mbb would be lost with out his dear ole friend, MissT.

And you know how cantankerous old farts can be when they feel neglected! In fact, don't old people need enemas rather regularly?


:D <-------one more for good measure!

Gosh! I am in trouble now, methinks!

MissTaken said:
*giggles* Nice one, fungiUg!

However, poor mbb would be lost with out his dear ole friend, MissT.

Actually, I read his post and thought "awww, how sweet, he misses MissT" -- but then read the replies and seemed to be in the minority, so decided to shut up. Sheesh, now I feel like an idiot.

(It's true! Put your hand there and feel... does that or does that not feel like an idiot? No, not there, a little lower... yes, that's it.)

How does he feel about dancing bananas? :nana:
FungiUg said:
Who needs enemas?

Rectal insertions of one type or another seem to be about all I can count on these days.

Those, and that generalized pain-in-the-ass feeling to go with it.
FungiUg said:
Actually, I read his post and thought "awww, how sweet, he misses MissT" -- but then read the replies and seemed to be in the minority, so decided to shut up. Sheesh, now I feel like an idiot.

(It's true! Put your hand there and feel... does that or does that not feel like an idiot? No, not there, a little lower... yes, that's it.)

How does he feel about dancing bananas? :nana:

And a fuckin' :nana: for you for actually having read the thing. I had no idea I was so obscure.
mbb308 said:
Those, and that generalized pain-in-the-ass feeling to go with it.

Well, if you have a pain in the ass, then why not share it with everyone?

Oh, you already did that. :p
FungiUg said:
Well, if you have a pain in the ass, then why not share it with everyone?

Oh, you already did that. :p

Yeah - she's back moderating again.
FungiUg said:
Hey, we're all here to perv at MissT! You don't expect us to have brains, do you?

I'm just here for the leather care tips. My rifle slings love me for it, too.

Of course, I still shoot like shit these days. But, damn, it's not because my slings are in need of anything.
MissTaken said:
However, poor mbb would be lost with out his dear ole friend, MissT.

I would like to report this filthy lie to a moderator who does NOT have some psychotic agenda.
mbb308 said:
3) Retribution - she should be punished swiftly and severely for misdeeds in office and breach of trust in general.

We're mad as Hell, and we ain't taking this lying down, damn it.

We may need to instrust the weasels to search and destroy.
Well, if you ask me, I think this thread went sweet far too soon.

I'm still for retribution!!!! I think MissTaken should be taken out back, stripped and flogged. I think she should have honey rubbed over and inside her sexy body and be tied spread eagle over a RED ant's hill. Of course, she should also be gagged, because it is just lots of fun.

I think she should be forced to ask for a severe spanking from every member of this forum, and count each stroke as it lands. Oh, and to say "thank you, may I have another?" is just about enough humiliation for that little bit of retributionalism.

No, I'm not finished!

I think she should be stripped naked, bound securely and dropped of at my front door in broad daylight. She would then have to beg me to let her in, and I would make her offer all sorts of nasty favors before she could come inside.

Once inside, she would be used and abused until I am finally satisfied she has learned her lesson.

OK....Who's with me? Let's all go an get her! Are you ready?
