Those darned United Auto Workers salaries! $55/hour!

So many ways! Stop bitching and think how can I do something better, bigger (or smaller), faster, and for less money? What does my consumer want? Trust me they don't want to listen to you bitch.

I’ve been to china, business is one thing and children are another. I know what goes one and know how the country is polluted. Do I want China to own all manufacturing, hell no. At the company where I work we competing but then again we are not in manufacturing. Also, our CEO will fire anyone who talks about doom and gloom on the job or with a customer/prospect.

I’m starting to feel bad because you were not as upset on this post. I will try harder!
I'm not as upset because you're making a strong point for why we kicked you right wing nutcases out of power. Your CEO? I doubt you even have a job. You wouldn't last five seconds doing anything more complex than flipping burgers.

Your 'CEO' would know that some things are impossible - like educating a blockhead like you.

Once again: there's no way in fuck we will ever compete with China without shutting down trade with them. And I'm no longer interested in hearing any of your idiot arguments. You're not important enough for me to care.

So all of the oil you buy only comes from countries with squeeky clean human rights records?
Heh. I have an electric SUV and a hybrid SUV. I'll have TWO electric SUVs if I can find another elderly couple to buy one off of.

And I have solar panels on my house and in my back yard... so THAT angle is covered, too.

Fuck the Middle East.
You are assuming the OP's figures are correct?

Then you would both be dead wrong.

I have a close enough idea of what the correct numbers are.
I work in a union environment, and I am not wrong.

Heh. I have an electric SUV and a hybrid SUV. I'll have TWO electric SUVs if I can find another elderly couple to buy one off of.

And I have solar panels on my house and in my back yard... so THAT angle is covered, too.

Fuck the Middle East.

That sorta covers you, what about all of this manufacturing you want to do. How were those SUV's produced...fucking corn oil?
Just because you are an envirogeek, doesn't mean the country can run on it.
You need them middle easters
I have a close enough idea of what the correct numbers are.
I work in a union environment, and I am not wrong.


You're wrong. As in WAY off. As in clueless.

I really have never expected more than the sound bite bullshit here or anywhere else concerning factory rats.

The company store sells a line of crap that has been repeated enough to become truth.

Now, you enjoy that trickle down! Y'all come back now, Ya'Hear?:rolleyes:

You're wrong. As in WAY off. As in clueless.

I really have never expected more than the sound bite bullshit here or anywhere else concerning factory rats.

The company store sells a line of crap that has been repeated enough to become truth.

Now, you enjoy that trickle down! Y'all come back now, Ya'Hear?:rolleyes:

I think I hear a union worker in LA LA Land..sing me your blues honey
Yeah, well The company I work for claims with all the benefits and wages we make $78.00 US an hour.

I can't even snort loud enough to answer THAT.:rolleyes:
Yeah, well The company I work for claims with all the benefits and wages we make $78.00 US an hour.

I can't even snort loud enough to answer THAT.:rolleyes:

And you obviously can't add either.

It costs us $63 an hour to field a union ironworker .
If we get paid $70 an hour and he wastes 1 hour, how much do we loose?
I think I hear a union worker in LA LA Land..sing me your blues honey

Actually Sir, I am not an autoworker.

Nor am I your "honey", Dickweed.

You CLEARLY appear to be an overpaid and underworked low level salary grunt in a UAW plant. What is wrong with that DOUBLE the floor workers pay to do NOTHING? You feel like you are worth more, but you got lucky getting in the door?

Vote for Jeb next time.
So can someone man-up and tell me why Conservatives find it more offensive for union workers to earn $55/hour than for CEOs and corporate leaders to earn millions a year?

And while you're at it, can you also explain to me how union workers were more instrumental than corporate leadership in The Big Three's production of gas guzzlers that no one wants to buy?

Oh and also, how is it that Big Three automobiles are CHEAPER than Japanese automobiles, even though BIG THREE union salaries are HIGHER by at LEAST $6/hour? What the fuck? Where did you Conservatives learn mathematics?

C'mon, fuckers, show me where I'm factually wrong. I dare you.

Unskiled workers don't deserve $55 an hour, and corporate execs definetely don't deserve millions, since I suspect they made it to the top via Peters princple.

I read that $700 is tacked on to the price of each U.S. car, to pay for the workers bennies, where the Japanese tack on is less than half that.
I'm not sure if the retiree bennies are included.

Furthermore, this card check legislation should be nipped in the bud.
Actually Sir, I am not an autoworker.

Nor am I your "honey", Dickweed.

You CLEARLY appear to be an overpaid and underworked low level salary grunt in a UAW plant. What is wrong with that DOUBLE the floor workers pay to do NOTHING? You feel like you are worth more, but you got lucky getting in the door?

Vote for Jeb next time.

We get paid for what we know, not what we do,,,stick with what you know honey...labour

It's not my math problem or claim.

As I thought, you can't add, so you hide..possibly you will hire a union leader to stick up for you
If we try to lower our wages to compete with China or India, America will become a third world country.

It's better to cut off trade with them and end all trade barriers with Western democracies.

We can produce the goods that China and India make now.

That's not a solution.

If we had drilled for oil, both in ANWR and offshore in 1992 when Clinton defeated the drilling bill, we could have been shipping oil, coal, natural gas, building refineries, providing jobs and saving billions in money going to rougue nations. As well as reducing our debt with China.
That's not a solution.

If we had drilled for oil, both in ANWR and offshore in 1992 when Clinton defeated the drilling bill, we could have been shipping oil, coal, natural gas, building refineries, providing jobs and saving billions in money going to rougue nations. As well as reducing our debt with China.

All correct points. But also just details to most everyone else.
And you obviously can't add either.

It costs us $63 an hour to field a union ironworker .
If we get paid $70 an hour and he wastes 1 hour, how much do we loose?
You think that's bad, come to NYC ;)

I have no problem paying that extra 700$ for a car. Just me.
We get paid for what we know, not what we do,,,stick with what you know honey...labour

As I thought, you can't add, so you hide..possibly you will hire a union leader to stick up for you

I don't know what you are really on about, but fuck off anyway.

I and my crippled boss do the work of four people.

I work way above and beyond any reasonable expectation, guessed or written of any Job description even remotely fantasied by the most deranged supervisor known to mankind of my classification.

People who come to work around my area are shocked about two things...

I have no help to do all the stuff I do and I seem to be getting paid about half as much as other people do who do this sort of thing for other companies.

All I know Is that I spend millions of dollars a year for these people and that a LVN can hire in just about anywhere making more money than I do.

So I don't really give a shit what you think...I earn my money...Motherfucker.
That's not a solution.

If we had drilled for oil, both in ANWR and offshore in 1992 when Clinton defeated the drilling bill, we could have been shipping oil, coal, natural gas, building refineries, providing jobs and saving billions in money going to rougue nations. As well as reducing our debt with China.
But then we'd run out and then what? And refinery jobs would not have come close to all the manufacturing jobs we lost to low-wage China.

And a higher cost of fuel makes offshoring less cost effective, not more.

I am an attorney.

You are a major suit waiting to happen.:D

And a liar.:kiss:

WTF are you people talking about.
are you saying that an auto worker costs more or less than $55.00 an hour.
I don't understand talking in riddles

I don't know what you are really on about, but fuck off anyway.

I and my crippled boss do the work of four people.

I work way above and beyond any reasonable expectation, guessed or written of any Job description even remotely fantasied by the most deranged supervisor known to mankind of my classification.

People who come to work around my area are shocked about two things...

I have no help to do all the stuff I do and I seem to be getting paid about half as much as other people do who do this sort of thing for other companies.

All I know Is that I spend millions of dollars a year for these people and that a LVN can hire in just about anywhere making more money than I do.

So I don't really give a shit what you think...I earn my money...Motherfucker.

Are you defending unions or not, cutting down management or not.

I work as a lowly construction estimator for a living, I know what labour costs and whats involved in adding it up...again, you are talking in riddles

QueenLevitra... an ATTORNEY??? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah *gasp* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! And I'm a Supreme Court fucking Justice. Oh man my sides. I bet JackAssJim is on his way over to move in with "her" right now. Boy is he in for a surprise when her pimp charges him admission at the door to the ol' single-wide. :D