Thoughts on the Left and its Antisemitism

Jew and Semitic could become forgotten terms as the North American continent finally drops the remnants of European culture and develops its own cultures and ethnic labels over centuries. Judaism may merge with the last holdouts of Christianity and Islam while the rest of the continent moves on to new religions. The Jewish stereotype of education and financial success disappears with the collapse of the dollar, global finance, and secondary education.
Jews have resisted being absorbed by Christianity and for 2000 years. It’s a totally different religion with different traditions, scriptures and ethics. You might as well postulate Christianity becoming a branch of Buddhism.
New thoughts for the weekend.

College Presidents went to Congress lecturing us on and hiding behind Free Speech. To them, free speech is not an absolute and has to be put into context. The more subjectively oppressed that your group is, the freer your speech is as an individual. For groups deemed to be privileged, the individual’s speech must be monitored and restricted. The Twitter model.

In both cases, you can say what ever you want because free speech is an American Right and those in the oppressed groups are rewarded and praised no matter what ugly, divisive statement/slogan they utter especially when it is aimed at an oppressor whereas the oppressors must be punished for having the insensitivity to say that and hurt the feelings of the oppressed groups. It’s all so clear, just because you have a right, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a responsibility. The oppressed has the obligation to speak out, to be rude, to be confrontational and the oppressor has a similar obligation to confess, confirm and console.

The enlightened professor, the champion of the oppressed, must supersede the oppressor because there is free speech and there is offensive speech and they, the academic spokespeople of the oppressed, have been taught the tools that you they oppressor is ignorant of.

Now we have the 𝕏 model and shepherding professors and their sheep the nation over are all bleating mad that they smell musky.
A few weeks back we had a former president claiming in a court that he had the right to tell lies to the electorate with the aim of overturning an election because it was 'free speech'.

I'm not sure that was what the Framers had in mind. I'd like to think that the 'College Presidents' would agree more with the Framers than the person who held the 'Office of President' but now (using free speech) claims that he never held office and never swore an oath to support the Constitution.
Jew and Semitic could become forgotten terms as the North American continent finally drops the remnants of European culture and develops its own cultures and ethnic labels over centuries. Judaism may merge with the last holdouts of Christianity and Islam while the rest of the continent moves on to new religions. The Jewish stereotype of education and financial success disappears with the collapse of the dollar, global finance, and secondary education.
I don't see that in a culture that increasingly Balkanizes itself over difference and has internal debates over which minorities get to go to the top of the pyramid of victimhood. We have eschewed the melting pot meme that we were raised on in the 50s and 60s to a new sense of, "Content of character? No! Show me the person and I will judge them by their skin color, their religion, their party, their gender identification, their cultural heritage...,"
Show me the person and I will judge them by their skin color, their religion, their party, their gender identification, their cultural heritage...,"

Or you can just read some words on the internet and know that the authors are white racist homophobes and not bother with all that "being shown" stuff.
Indeed. The Prescience is strong with the divining h🎱rs.

They see that The Browns won their game on Sunday and the first thing that crosses their minds is, "That's a Racist dog-whistle of a name!"
New thoughts for the weekend.

College Presidents went to Congress lecturing us on and hiding behind Free Speech. To them, free speech is not an absolute and has to be put into context. The more subjectively oppressed that your group is, the freer your speech is as an individual. For groups deemed to be privileged, the individual’s speech must be monitored and restricted. The Twitter model.

In both cases, you can say what ever you want because free speech is an American Right and those in the oppressed groups are rewarded and praised no matter what ugly, divisive statement/slogan they utter especially when it is aimed at an oppressor whereas the oppressors must be punished for having the insensitivity to say that and hurt the feelings of the oppressed groups. It’s all so clear, just because you have a right, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a responsibility. The oppressed has the obligation to speak out, to be rude, to be confrontational and the oppressor has a similar obligation to confess, confirm and console.

The enlightened professor, the champion of the oppressed, must supersede the oppressor because there is free speech and there is offensive speech and they, the academic spokespeople of the oppressed, have been taught the tools that you they oppressor is ignorant of.

Now we have the 𝕏 model and shepherding professors and their sheep the nation over are all bleating mad that they smell musky.
The supposed college intellectuals exposed themselves for what they are! * COWARDLY BIGOTS * responsible for creating cookie cutter style ignorant junior Marxist.
New thoughts for the weekend.

College Presidents went to Congress lecturing us on and hiding behind Free Speech. To them, free speech is not an absolute and has to be put into context. The more subjectively oppressed that your group is, the freer your speech is as an individual. For groups deemed to be privileged, the individual’s speech must be monitored and restricted. The Twitter model.

In both cases, you can say what ever you want because free speech is an American Right and those in the oppressed groups are rewarded and praised no matter what ugly, divisive statement/slogan they utter especially when it is aimed at an oppressor whereas the oppressors must be punished for having the insensitivity to say that and hurt the feelings of the oppressed groups. It’s all so clear, just because you have a right, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a responsibility. The oppressed has the obligation to speak out, to be rude, to be confrontational and the oppressor has a similar obligation to confess, confirm and console.

The enlightened professor, the champion of the oppressed, must supersede the oppressor because there is free speech and there is offensive speech and they, the academic spokespeople of the oppressed, have been taught the tools that you they oppressor is ignorant of.

Now we have the 𝕏 model and shepherding professors and their sheep the nation over are all bleating mad that they smell musky.
A good summation of Neo-Marxism.

It's all about the acquisition of power but they haven't thought it through. What happens when the oppressor becomes the oppressed? What they've done is to concoct a formula for perpetual class warfare. They say that this is all in the effort to establish a classless society but if that is the case why do the continually define new classes?

They can't quite grasp the notion that it is only the individual and that individuals behavior (content of character if you will) that counts. All else is superficial bull shit.