Tigerjen, is hot.

Thank you, T.H. Oughts!

T.H. Oughts said:
Just had a browse of some of your poetry Tiger....
works for me babe ;)

Thank you, T.H. Oughts! :)
You are great!
(do you have any writings that you
recommend to me to read?)


I submitted my first poem here today, so hopefully it shows up soon. Also submitted a story yesterday......
I'll keep my eyes peeled, T.H.!

T.H. Oughts said:
I submitted my first poem here today, so hopefully
it shows up soon. Also submitted a story yesterday......

I look forward to them! Will keep my eyes peeled open
for 'em! :)

I want to clarify......

Good morning...(its 10:10am here in Connecticut!)....

I want to say thank you for the varied replies and
comments over the course of this week on the
different threads......I may not agree with the thinking
of certain invididuals, but they have their right to
their opinion as I.

I want to clarify something: the bulk of my poetry
that I have up on Literotica was originally
written over the course of several months, from
February-June '01.......I found out about Lit in July,
and decided to post up here, to give my writing
a showcase where individuals can read it, etc. And
all the poems i wrote were during the overnite hours
(most between 2-6am.......for some reason my creative
juices flowed during that time.....and I was working
the overnite shift at work). I only wrote what was
going thru my mind then........

I have not written anything new recently.....but am
brainstorming for new ideas........but as one member
said, a poem should have a "meter"...."rhythm".....I will
attempt to keep that in mind when I write (I have a
music background, playing two instruments and singing,
so perhaps that will help in the "beat" dept.).

I just wanted to spout out my feelings.......because this
week looking at different responses/replies, etc, both
positive and negative, have had my feelings in a roller-
coaster. I felt that I should speak my mind.......so
people can try to see where I am coming from in regards
to my writing.

Thank you for reading this.

Grinding n' shuffling

Remember me?
I'm the red faced guy from the writing class.
I've learnt a thing or two since then. I won't be blushing easily these days. :)

ChilledVodka said:
Remember me?
I'm the red faced guy from the writing class.
I've learnt a thing or two since then. I won't be blushing
easily these days. :)

You've got to be kidding me!!!
Are you for real or are you pulling my leg? :D
Hey Tigerjen......:)

It's been a while since we've spoken kiddo! But from what I can see being posted on the boards, sounds and LQQKS like you're doing great!

Obviously...I have ALOT of catching up to do.

Hope we hook up some time soon.

I remain.......

Thesandman said:
It's been a while since we've spoken kiddo! But from
what I can see being posted on the boards, sounds and
LQQKS like you're doing great!

Obviously...I have ALOT of catching up to do.

Hope we hook up some time soon.

I remain.......

Good to see you Sandman!!! Long time no see!

we have catching up to do! :)


Tiger is a very hot, and very talented writer. I like her honesty and openess in everything she writes. The visualization and sensuality of each scene she creates takes you there and allows your imagination to see it....and more importantly, see it clearly.

Thanks Tiger!!!!!!!!!!

My stories & poems:

To sleep........perchance to dream - William Shakespear

I remain........
Re: Yes...............

Thesandman said:
Tiger is a very hot, and very talented writer. I like her
honesty and openess in everything she writes. The
visualization and sensuality of each scene she creates
takes you there and allows your imagination to see it....
and more importantly, see it clearly.

Thanks Tiger!!!!!!!!!!

I remain........

thank you sandman!!! :kiss:

Campaign.........for Most Influential Writer in 2001

Cast your vote for a most intriguing author........tigerjen!!!

Writer of poems/stories, and also the CEO of the Literotica
Kitchen and head of two fanclubs (Anne Rice & Anthony
Hopkins).............and Lit personality...........

Go vote at the Most Influential Author thread under
the Awards & Contests forum............I appreciate the
support, and thank you much!

link: http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=96279


for those who are new to Lit and who are interested ;)

Just want to say thank you

to all who have had the opportunity to read my stories
(and poems) .......and want to wish you all Happy Holidays
and a very happy 2003!!!

:rose: :heart: :kiss:
I hate to be left out of the fun.

Just what is it all of you find so tremendously hot in Tigerjen's works? The first poem (forgot the title)--the metaphor of vagina as rose is as old as time. I must be missing something. I'd appreciate someone explaining it to me.

You are terribly out spoken.

You are not looking for a friend, are you.


Hi-ya, tigerjen.

Come to GB and talk about Sir Anthony Hopkins and stuff with me.
ChilledVodka said:
You are terribly out spoken.

You are not looking for a friend, are you.


Hi-ya, tigerjen.

Come to GB and talk about Sir Anthony Hopkins and stuff with me.

Hi ChilledVodka!

I have plenty of friends, thank you very much :)

Funny you mention Sir Anthony, because his bday is coming
up on 12/31!!!! ;)

And I see nothing wrong w/ being outspoken ;) :devil:

dr_mabeuse said:
I hate to be left out of the fun.

Just what is it all of you find so tremendously hot in Tigerjen's works? The first poem (forgot the title)--the metaphor of vagina as rose is as old as time. I must be missing something. I'd appreciate someone explaining it to me.


This is an old thread. Ms. Jen bumps'n grinds on it all the time. She's a total whiz at self-promotion and marketing on the boards. LAW no longer comes around. They had a nice mutual admiration society going on a while ago.


First time here. Just learning the ropes. I hope this gets posted. I REALLY enjoy Tigerjen's writing, as I am sure we all do.
Hagar the Horrible.
Hi Hagar!

Hagar said:
First time here. Just learning the ropes. I hope this
gets posted. I REALLY enjoy Tigerjen's writing, as I
am sure we all do.
Hagar the Horrible.

You posted up here just fine :)

Welcome to Lit, Hagar.......and thank you for your
feedback emails!
