Tiny little feedback question...

The Mutt said:
Lord Mutt is fine, thanks.
I've always wanted to be banned in Boston.
Either that or get an office at the corner of Berkley and Boylston and a dog named Pearl.

and a sidekick named Hawk??
; )

did you pass on my holiday wishes to your lovely disciplinarian??
Tathagata said:
and a sidekick named Hawk??
; )

did you pass on my holiday wishes to your lovely disciplinarian??
I did. She said you were a cheeky monkey.
Ohmigawd, I really get the weirdest comments on this poem...Apparently, now I'm a Jesus-disser too. Or something. :rolleyes:

Liar said:
Ohmigawd, I really get the weirdest comments on this poem...Apparently, now I'm a Jesus-disser too. Or something. :rolleyes:

I like the fact that Jews are given free rein to write messianic erotica! Thanks for your ecumenism, Liar. :D
flyguy69 said:
I like the fact that Jews are given free rein to write messianic erotica! Thanks for your ecumenism, Liar. :D
Oops, I misread him. "Even if you are a Jew" you are not to mix the two themes. I guess they most easily forgiven, though.
"To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. They profess that they know God, but by their works they deny him, being abominable, disobedient, and unfit for any good work."
- Paul's Letter to Titus, 1:15-16
Lauren Hynde said:
"To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. They profess that they know God, but by their works they deny him, being abominable, disobedient, and unfit for any good work."
- Paul's Letter to Titus, 1:15-16

wow now that's cool~

hey liar~

don't get the grammer police very often
do ya? hehehehey! Bethlem
but what does it matter does it distract from
the poem as a whole that much then the hindered
was one reader .. okay two, I can show ya a
comment section where verbal combat took place
don't fret the small stuff and you know as well
s I do that not all will enjoy your work but
as long as you do~ (~_*)
Liar said:
My latest poem just got a visit from out Trolly friend. I really don't mind, so don't go there flaming on my behalf please. But I got this comment...

??? "betlehem's star" ???
Just because it is unstructured poetry doesn't excuse a lack of spell check.

...and I don't get it. Is that spelled wrong?


Go to http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/kjv/mat002.htm and check the spellng from the King James version.

Wouldn't Bethlehem's real name be written in one of those squiggle and dots, right to left languages?
Seems like you can spell it however you want.
From Under the Bridge

The Mutt said:
Wouldn't Bethlehem's real name be written in one of those squiggle and dots, right to left languages?
Seems like you can spell it however you want.

Probably so. And had the initial reference used that squiggle and dot, right to left language, then I would have been dead wrong. However, he used the king's english (lower case intended....)
Lauren Hynde said:
Who is this King James person?

King James commissed the translation, and writing of the bible in English, from the Latin.
It is a superiour piece of literature (I dread what would happen to it today, if King George...)

This was one of the first translations of the bible in the "common tongue", the Popes wanting it to be kept in the Latin.

An important part of the Protestant Reformation.