tips on sex?

I was attempting to write something (so far unfinished) that included a scene with which I had zero personal experience and less interest in personally pursuing. So, I went onto Xhamster and watched a scene then wrote a description of what I had watched. It's not what is going into the story but it was practice at noticing movements and other thing that I may not have otherwise paid attention to.

these are all sooo helpful thank you all so much. you have given me confidence to go back and try again.
Write about interesting people first, and if you have two of them well portrayed, they'll want to get intimate with each other. But you have to give each of them reason to want the other. Write about people first, sex follows.
these are all sooo helpful thank you all so much. you have given me confidence to go back and try again.

Let me add two more points:

-Writing the sex scene should turn you on.

If you're not saying to yourself as you put the words down, "Oh, yeah! This is fucking hot!" then neither will your readers. Of course, most of them may not anyway because it's not their kink. That's okay. You're writing for readers like yourself. Your sex scene should turn you on the same way your scary scene should give you goose bumps and your sad scene should bring tears to your eyes.

Follow Elmore Leonard's advice: try to leave out the parts that readers skip.

As you're reading other writers' sex scenes, pay attention to the sentences you skip over. Why didn't you bother to read them? Leave those out of your own scenes.
What they said.

Read, read, read.
This, but just to add: the value of reading isn't just in "learn what they're doing so I can copy it". Sometimes it's in thinking about questions like "why isn't this story working for me, and what would I have done differently?"