To all my LIT BDSM Forum friends...

Love in the form of butt plugs.

It's a good day.

Agreed. True love is one of your best friends offering you her smallest, unused butt plug. 😍
*sigh* and yet another thread gone all to hell.....



Touch my butt with pizza.


Im just happy a new thread was started. The fact it was yours is super icing on the melancholy nice cake.

Everything eventually gets derailed.

Awww, does this mean we can't be friends because I've used all of mine, and I'm not giving them away? 😢


You give your words, your time, and your lovely feet.
Also, the Hairy Chest thread.

You are the friend that keeps on giving.
I owe you a drink!

I started to post this elsewhere, butt this thread just lunged to mind...

