Towards a more welcoming place.

Re: Re: Re: Towards a more welcoming place.

P. B. Walker said:
Hey dixi... good to see ya back again. :)


Hiya sweety, nice to see you too. :)

Originally posted by Lancecastor
Having lurked at kinktalk on and off since it opened, I was pretty sure there were lots of those who "left" who were here, being quiet.


Good to see you, Dix.


And thank you Lance. :)

I think you mistake my words. I am not interested in OO, who ever it may be. I believe they are a friend to no one. I was merely suggesting that to make unfounded accusations simply puts you in the same league as them.

It is your choice to play in that league or not. I really could care less.
This thread, I believe was started the other night when Lance was busy trying to gather up the marbles he seemed to be losing.

He has since regained possesion of his marbles. And is back to his real loveable self. I have no doubt that his original thread post was sincere. Lance is nothing if he is not sincere, even when he is poking fun, his real opinions are in there somewhere.

But, to the point of this post: why do we need to make this a more welcoming place? Some people are going to be open and accepting and kind and there are some who will never be. Those who want to join this 'community' will find quickly, who they want to befriend and who they want to avoid. I did, indeed. I have a lot of faith in most people's judgements.
ADR, I agree with you.
I lurk more than post and have come to like and respect many here. I have always been made to feel welcome even when I did feel like the clueless newbie.

Lance, thank you for that post.

Helena :rose:

I have edited this thread at multiple requests, to remove names mentioned in claims of "unmasking" a poster. As I would hope we all learned from the recent fiasco on this issue, such claims go nowhere, and only serve to make the place UNfriendly--particularly to the one "accused."

So, I would ask all of you to refrain from posting such claims--at least in the absence of evidence.

The previous posts of a similar nature were edited in favor of decorum. For this reason and this reason only, posts in this thread have been edited as well. Only screen-names have been removed, and no censure is intended--only fairness to all posters--including the unfriendly and/or unpopular ones.

Best to all,
If I think that OO is COh, has had too much COOh or is simply an amorphous cloud of CO2, what difference does it make?

It is clearly not against the Rules to guess openly at which other online identity OO holds.

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If you are going to edit out guessing who OO is, then shouldn't you edit OO out completely? Without OO posting, no one would be guessing. And even if they are guessing privately, doesn't that make this place more UNfriendly?
Censor edits removed.

Lancecastor said:
Having lurked at kinktalk on and off since it opened, I was pretty sure there were lots of those who "left" who were here, being quiet.

As OO pointed out, I've kinda backed off a bit, posting less here.

My thinking was that it might allow people to feel okay about de-cloaking.

It would be simply a repeat of the Cymwars for any of us to limit ourselves or repeat those times and issues by falling into the old nasty patterns.

This used to be a closed, angry place compared to the way it's been recently.

Just look at OO's posts and people's reactions to her. Without knowing who she is, the same things as used to happen with Caoline Oh have already started to happen....10 posts.

If whoever OO was here before, he/she/they find it "boring" here now...I'll bet !!

Res ipsa loquitur.

On the upside, she and Cym don't "own" the place anymore...everyone does.

Good to see you, Dix.


It would be rather nice to be able to posts with no little barbs being thrown :)

I have been posting a little for the last couple of months now - and hope to continue ... but I will never be able to post with the same regularity as before as I now work full time.

I was never one to post to the more fluffy threads, or those containing homour (as many jokes are beyond my comprehension) and I don't suppose I will start now - but a nice discussion on some point of BDSM, and I will make every effort to add my voice.
Good to see you WP; I remember the day you posted that you'd been hired. :)


Originially posted by RisiaSkye
I have edited this thread at multiple requests, to remove names mentioned in claims of "unmasking" a poster. As I would hope we all learned from the recent fiasco on this issue, such claims go nowhere, and only serve to make the place UNfriendly--particularly to the one "accused."

So, I would ask all of you to refrain from posting such claims--at least in the absence of evidence.

The previous posts of a similar nature were edited in favor of decorum. For this reason and this reason only, posts in this thread have been edited as well. Only screen-names have been removed, and no censure is intended--only fairness to all posters--including the unfriendly and/or unpopular ones.

Best to all,

Thank you, RisiaSkye. I am sure CarolineOh would appreciate it since she is not here to protect her name and reputation. Even though I do not know her that well and she does not come here, I am sure she would not like Lancecaster publically trashing her name without cause.

Who's name will you impugn next, Lancecastor? cymbidia? MzChrista? James Blanding?

How are you liking your visit back to the BDSM forum?

OutsideObserver said:
Thank you, RisiaSkye. I am sure CarolineOh would appreciate it since she is not here to protect her name and reputation. Even though I do not know her that well and she does not come here, I am sure she would not like Lancecaster publically trashing her name without cause.

Who's name will you impugn next, Lancecastor? cymbidia? MzChrista? James Blanding?

How are you liking your visit back to the BDSM forum?


In the interest of a more welcoming place, why don't you try something different, like posting on the subject of BDSM instead of trying to bait Lance or anyone else you have targeted?

Or is that too much of a problem for you?

Ebony <Yawning as I write this>
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OO or omnipotent one

If you cared about this forum and truly wanted positive change as you claim there seems an obvious solution. This is a problem of your own creation. You have made it a point, repeatedly, to make people wonder who you were/are, and rubbed it in their faces. You personally have brought this doubt and resulting slander to the forum. You could easily stop it.

Again, it seems any self-reflection, pertinent revelation or personal responsibility is utterly beyond your capabilities. Your lack of conscience is "disappointing". Your lack of empathy is "sad". And you have yet to say one word about BDSM.
Re: OO or omnipotent one

Originially posted by lark sparrow
If you cared about this forum and truly wanted positive change as you claim there seems an obvious solution. This is a problem of your own creation. You have made it a point, repeatedly, to make people wonder who you were/are, and rubbed it in their faces. You personally have brought this doubt and resulting slander to the forum. You could easily stop it.

Again, it seems any self-reflection, pertinent revelation or personal responsibility is utterly beyond your capabilities. Your lack of conscience is "disappointing". Your lack of empathy is "sad". And you have yet to say one word about BDSM.

I am sorry, lark sparrow, but I did not make anyone wonder who I am. That is your own doing. Knowing who I am should not make any difference. Would you heed my words more if they came from someone else? Someone such as Lancecastor? Or EbonyFire? Or RisiaSkye? If that is the case, then I find that sad and disappointing.

In this persona, yes, responsibility is not going to happen. Sorry. I hope you can live with it because everyone harping on this point is not going to make me go away, nor will it make me post about BDSM.

In this persona, yes, responsibility is not going to happen. Sorry. I hope you can live with it because everyone harping on this point is not going to make me go away, nor will it make me post about BDSM.

With that out in the open there really becomes no reason at all to see your posts in this forum. I do hope you will find a more personally fulfilling and self-enriching hobby eventually. Come back in another name when you're ready to be person, rather an obnoxious character.

12-19-2002 10:44 PM This person is on your Ignore List.
Originially posted by lark sparrow
With that out in the open there really becomes no reason at all to see your posts in this forum. I do hope you will find a more personally fulfilling and self-enriching hobby eventually. Come back in another name when you're ready to be person, rather an obnoxious character.


I have not hidden this fact. I have been very open about it. Stating this like you have just made some kind of major discovery is a tad melodramatic lark sparrow. And just to let you in on another little "secret", I am already here as a real person that is posting about BDSM.

Be well.


Typical "Bully" response, Lancecastor. Run and hide when you cannot win.
OutsideObserver said:
. And just to let you in on another little "secret", I am already here as a real person that is posting about BDSM.

There you go with that taunting again. LOL. You are shameless and transparent.
Y'know, I read a book yesterday called "As she crawled across the table" by J. Lethem. It's a fabulous book. Anyway, it's all about physics and love and alternate universes and stuff. A lot of it is devoted to a discussion of the affective nature of observation.

OO, I have to admit that you're quite effective.