TPE and Parenting

In my case,I do not want my kids exposed at all.

Its my kink,not their's.

However saying that,when you live with someone,parts of that part of your relationship do come out.

My eldest has asked Tiger why he treats me like a child many times.

I told her that one day I will explain,but at her age she does not need to know now.

My kids are overprotective of me,I dunno why.
LTR, I think all kids are protective of their parents.

I don't mean that as a bad thing either. Its the bond that ties them to us.

For example, my youngest has been known to force his way in between his Daddy and I if we were hugging or sitting too close to each other. This just seems to be something alot of kids do when they love and respect their parents or parent as the case may be.

I think telling them that you are alright should be enough. If they think you are ok with the way you are treated they will usually drop the matter.

Just my thoughts, mind ya.

I am so glad this thread was bumped-(I somehow overlooked it)

Rubyfruit said:
I was wondering about this today. If you are in a TPE (24/7) relationship, and have kids, are you worried about the example you're setting for them?

I'm not talking about sex, because children should not be privy to what goes on in mommy and daddy's room anyway, but the other stuff. Children see everything. They would see mommy catering to daddy's every whim for instance. Not something I'd want my daughters or my son to grow up thinking is the norm. Or thinking that mom isn't capable of making decisions or is somehow less important than dad.

Any thoughts?


I married my childhood sweetheart, we were both teenagers at the time, and I was in the Navy when we married.

Slowly, a D/s relationship evolved between us over the years, (I never knew a label for our relationship existed till I became Artful on Lit).

Our third year of marriage produced a daughter, our sixth year gave us a son. At no time during that 20 year marriage, were our children ever exposed to our sexual preferences.

When our daughter was maybe 13 years old, looking back, I can recognise NOW, her behavior had changed in her relationship with her Mother.

At the time however, I thought it was only because of what I had heard about *teenagers*, (you know what I mean,~Teens being so difficult etc.~).

In truth, I can now see where my DOMINATE nature was blatantly displayed to my daughter, and she had a lot of difficulty understanding why her Mother always submitted to my will.

A bitterness from my daughter, toward her Mother, showed plainly in her actions and expressions. A rebellious attitude developed between my daughter and her parents, (it was pure hell for the 3 of us).

Of course, my wife and I neither one, knew how to deal with this effectively, (and I assure you we both CARED).

A year later, the problem was still not resolved, and I remember one night specifically, when my daughter had intentionally disobeyed me. She had stayed out past her curfew time,(yada, yada, yada).

When she did arrive home, her Mother directed her to, "Go see your Father,...he is in the family room." I was sitting in a large overstuffed chair, and I signalled her to sit in my lap so we could talk.

We did talk,...I held her close,...and we both cried. I never punished her for what she had done, we were BOTH in pain, we just didn't understand each other.

Shortly after that event, wife, being a lifelong diabetic from the time she was a young girl, had a heart attack and was hospitalised. Eight days later she died.

My daughter and I never resolved our differences. I signed emancipation papers at her request, and fifteen years later, much after she had married and given me grandchildren, we talked late one night, she told me she now understood and forgave me from the bottom of her heart.*sigh*

I was plumb STUPID till after I turned thirty,...and really never began to learn about life till AFTER my late wife had passed away.

(((((Dream)))-I truly love YOU ! :kiss:
OMG Art, I'm near tears at your "confession".

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing that with us. Just goes to show that kids pick up on things more than we realize doesn't it?

~warm smiles to my friend~
dixicritter said:
Just goes to show that kids pick up on things more than we realize doesn't it?

Which makes me scared as my eldest is now 12.

And hormonal.

Art, I am sorry. :rose:
lovetoread said:

Which makes me scared as my eldest is now 12.

And hormonal.

Art, I am sorry. :rose:

And my eldest is 17 and hormonal. She also doesn't miss much at all.

it hurts me also baby..

to think of Master bein in pain,just breaks my heart,omg ..
I have a 10yr old son I am bringing to Arkansa aalso to live and I just know that Harry(Artful) is gonna be such a great influence on Him..I know He wont be His father and we have already discussed all that ,however HE HAS ALOT OF WISDOM,LOVE AND GENUINE CARE that my boy dont even get from his deadbeat dad...I love You also baby:rose: :kiss:
with ALL my heart& soul xoxoxo

ty for sharing Your heart with others Master..
Speaking of the completely natural 'male dominance' and 'female submissiveness' psyches, I don't think it is harmful to children when expressed in family gatherings.

Having been the product of such (strong dominant father/willingly submissive mother), I can't say that it hurt me any. If anything, it tends to draw my admiration for similar characteristics in men.

Some may find that psyche old fashion, as it was the norm in our parents' generation, but I don't find it oppressive to my own growth or being to respect the differences.
Female Dominance

Female dominance has been around a very long time too. People just do not notice it or they do like what they see and they ignore it.

I have know if several FemDom/malesub marriages that have raised children successfully. It just what floats yer boat.

Male dominance is a fairly recent occurence in many cultures.
