Tripe, Nonsense and Balderdash

Maidenhead Revisited

We bought it back in the day when we were flush with cash
It spoke to us, though I don't know what it said to him
I've never asked, not for lack of curiosity, but of fear
That his interpretation would leave me unable to unsee
What it is that he sees, stripping me of my point of view
And considering what I see
The irony would be too much
For though I recognize the flowers and vase
What I see is a deflowering
With her heavy handed strokes of the palette knife
Laying down, digging in and raising of the paint
Ms. Pol has brought labia to life
Transformed them into flowers and butterflies
Put them in glass and said "Here it is!
My maidenhood, flowing not down and away,
But up and into the golden spotlight."
And what a violent and beautiful thing it is
That release, that flowing of one thing,
One being, into another
It's always transformative, even though
You don't see it at first glance

This is actually quite beautiful, Trix, even without the link.
No one ever notices me
I'm not there to please
Or tease the eye
No high heel boots
Up to my thighs
Though I do like my mom jeans kinda tight
I'm the quiet little thing
In some silly tee
Sipping my fruity drink
Shaking my slip on shoe
Until the beat drops
And I slide off the stool
Move where the music takes me
Let it shake me out
On the dance floor
I ride the waves
Snaking my ass up and around
All that exists is me and the sound
The beat of heart and drums
And the thrummmm
That that comes
From deep inside
And now there's another body
Behind me

But it's not you
You'd know how to move
Not against but with me
So I give my apologies
Go back to my drink
Imagine my now bare feet
Clamped around your back

So now I'm no one?
Beautiful Trix
Especially the imagery
I can already see visions
of the teen years
in the sparkle of her eyes
as she pedals her first set of wheels
in her first pair of heels
it's going to be a wild ride

you've captured a moment, sometimes a long moment, which fortunately usually, eventually passes

There are no innocents here
We lie by omission
Because I swear
If we told the truth
The whole truth
And nothing but the truth
There would be no justice
For the victims
Left in our wake
For no law of man or nature
That would separate us
From the benediction of that touch
That supersedes mere physical senses
Grapples with last our defenses
Overrules our guilt
And sentences us
To live our truth

oh my that is one VERY powerful piece Trix!! Greatly written!