Trump vs. NABJ panel: total MAGAt meltdown!

But you know who was in the room and in the television audience? Black voters. You can bet the conversations this is going to start among Republican Black voters and the independents as well. It's not good for the convicted felon at all.
Could have picked Timmy, but wanted the couch fucker instead.
The Base would not have approved. I imagine Sarah Palin is tan, fit and ready to step in if Vance falters.
Do we get Todd too? On his snow machine?

Wait did they split up? Does that still get them bonus JD voting rights? How does that work??
Trump questioning the race of his opponent is something that we all had on our bingo card.

Just because he's the descendent of a draft-dodging pimp and married to a descendent of a Stalinist apparatchik whom he met whilst she was working as a model in a titty bar, and was introduced by Jeffrey Epstein. Convicted felon, adjudged rapist, sexual abuser, fraudster, bully. Remember when he mocked the disabled, the military and his supporters said 'There goes someone who I want as President'?

They are still saying it.
Harris’ response:

The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people.

"Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency – while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us.

"Today's tirade is simply a taste of the chaos and division that has been a hallmark of Trump's MAGA rallies this entire campaign. It's also exactly what the American people will see from across the debate stage as Vice President Harris offers a vision of opportunity and freedom for all Americans. All Donald Trump needs to do is stop playing games and actually show up to the debate on September 10."
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Did anyone catch the last twelve seconds of the NABJ panel?
Someone asked "What about Project 2025?"
Convicted felon DonOld J Trump's orange hue becomes noticeably redder, veins pop out on his forehead,
and the lady next to him in the powder blue suit and pants cuts in and basically calls out 'oops we're out of time, thanks fo talking to us, Mister Trump!"
This did not go well for Ol' Babydoll Hands. Was it because it wasn't on Faux News (although Trump ball-gargler Harris Faulkner was part of the panel)? Or was it because "his" African-American wasn't there?
so how many additional 'black' voters did trump win over today?
anyone think he grew his base?

lol @ the lincoln project posting an image of the Hindenburg disaster in response to trump's debacle
Meidas News has teh scoop on why the event started one hour late:

Manly Presidential candidate suddenly fearful of real-time fact checking....
There is no guarantee he either gained or lost voters. We'll know that in November.
Meidas News has teh scoop on why the event started one hour late:

Manly Presidential candidate suddenly fearful of real-time fact checking....

lol, from the article:

Even Fox News host Harris Faulkner seemed shocked as Trump continued to attack Scott, muttering "oh my goodness," as Trump's unhinged behavior continued.
The event then abruptly ended as Faulkner prepared to ask a question about the infamous Project 2025 policy document, apparently due to Trump's handlers pulling him from the stage to bring the miserable performance to an end.
From the Guardian:

"The conversation opened with Scott [ABC Reporter] asking why Black voters should trust Trump given his repeated, inflammatory comments about Black people.

“Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner,” Trump said, before asking whether Scott was with “fake news network” ABC News. (When he levied a later attack on Scott, one audience member shouted back in her defense.)

Trump added: “I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country. I’ve done so much for the Black population of this country … I think it’s a very rude introduction.“

He continued: “I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln,” which received a mix of boos and applause."

Trump mentions how he gave funds to the Black Colleges as evidence he helped Blacks.

Not two minutes into the conference session and it went straight downhill from there. Who, besides Donald Trump, could have done so poorly and had his party peons chanting how well he defended himself?
From the Guardian:

"The conversation opened with Scott [ABC Reporter] asking why Black voters should trust Trump given his repeated, inflammatory comments about Black people.

“Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner,” Trump said, before asking whether Scott was with “fake news network” ABC News. (When he levied a later attack on Scott, one audience member shouted back in her defense.)

Trump added: “I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country. I’ve done so much for the Black population of this country … I think it’s a very rude introduction.“

He continued: “I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln,” which received a mix of boos and applause."

Trump mentions how he gave funds to the Black Colleges as evidence he helped Blacks.

Not two minutes into the conference session and it went straight downhill from there. Who, besides Donald Trump, could have done so poorly and had his party peons chanting how well he defended himself?

(look at the date👆)

To view the show go completely to hell in the first two minutes, click on the second video in this article