Try this test!

Svenska, welcom back........

Svenskaflicka said:
While someone types down an explanantion to me what the... a druther is, I'll do the last few touches on the Greek God test...

But I took the test and came out as Hera, and was compared to Hilary Clinton!!!!!!! LOL.waiting for the god test.

Till then, heading to SF to take Perdita out to lunch............
Re: Svenska, welcom back........

redrider4u said:
Till then, heading to SF to take Perdita out to lunch............
Hey Red, park that horse or whatever you drive out there. I haven't even been asked. Plus it's almost 1pm here; I've had lunch.

I think you're flunking the god test. :rolleyes:

Picky Perdita
Re: Re: Svenska, welcom back........

perdita said:
Hey Red, park that horse or whatever you drive out there. I haven't even been asked. Plus it's almost 1pm here; I've had lunch.

I think you're flunking the god test. :rolleyes:

Picky Perdita

Well, Zeus didn't ask. Thor didn't ask. Baal didn't ask.

Hmmmm, flipping through the god book.........chapter 14., dealing with west coast goddesses.......ok got your message......(S)
Svenskaflicka said:
While someone types down an explanantion to me what the. . . a druther is . . .

This poor child has never been exposed to Al Capp's Li'l Abner. :eek:

Someone should send her a big kettle of Mammy Yokum's Yokumberry tonic. :D

On second thought, No! :rolleyes:

That was the secret behind Li'l Abner's lack of interest in Daisy Mae. :(
And here I thought Lil' Abner was gay!:D

Ofcourse I've read that comic, only never in English.
I don't believe this!!!

I put the goddess test up this morning, and it's already been taken 674 times!!!:eek: :D :cool:

OK, here's the male version, finally! Sorry it took so long, but I had some problem with the codes.

Which Greek God Are You?
This is confusing. . . .

Now, I am supposed to be: Poseidon :rolleyes:

"You're the god of the sea, and you rule over anything sea-related; rivers, fountains, surfers, fancy yachts... You should avoid getting drunk, it might prove dangerous. A famous Poseidon is... Aristotel Onassis."

Does this mean that I can finally float upside down :confused:
Did you get the "avoid getting drunk" - joke?

I borrowed it from A Hitch-hiker's Guide To the Galaxy.
Svenskaflicka said:
. . . I borrowed it from A Hitch-hiker's Guide To the Galaxy.

Never name your source, except when writing for Academia :eek:

Did I give the source for my ‘float upside down’ crack :confused:

Leave us to scratch, worry, and maybe even ask :(
Quasimodem said:
Did I give the source for my ‘float upside down’ crack :confused
You mean like a dead goldfish or rich Greek?

I PMd; Gilda was right.
Quasimodem said:
This poor child has never been exposed to Al Capp's Li'l Abner. :eek:

Someone should send her a big kettle of Mammy Yokum's Yokumberry tonic. :D

On second thought, No! :rolleyes:

That was the secret behind Li'l Abner's lack of interest in Daisy Mae. :(

Do tell and say it ain’t so! “Druthers” is pure Lil’ Abner? I’ve been using it all my life, thinking it common.

But the dictionary says...
DRUTHERS (n.): PREFERENCE, used especially in the phrase "if one had one's druthers."

Oh, and please do not pass the Yokumberry tonic, fer me, please. ;)
Mayhap Mr. Capp was not so creative as I once thought. :confused:

I looked up the following:

druthers (drthrz) pl.n. Informal - a choice or preference:

“Given their druthers, these hell-for-leather free marketeers might sell the post office” (George F. Will).

[Alteration of the phrase 'd rather, from would rather.]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

This day certainly wasn't wasted. Not only did I learn I should be Poseidon, were I to be transformed into a Greek God ;)

Also, I learned that 'druthers' was not originated by Al Capp. :eek:

Were I able to find a listing in a dictionary outside of America, this day could be a real trifecta. :cool:

BTW, Yummy: I'm with you on the Yokumberry tonic. :eek:
Cool Svenskaflicka! I wanna know how to make a quiz!

I'm Hera.

You're the queen of the Goddesses, the Protector of Marriage. You take the expression "holy matrimony" literally - to you, marriage IS holy. You value faithfulness and partnership. Now if only you could get your husband to see things your way... A famous Hera is... Hillary Clinton.


Ok. You're link knacked up again flicka. (for me anyway)

Put me down as Praxiteles the god of touch typing (RSA joke there)

You are old and decrepit. The arthritis can only get worse. If you could you would sue yourelf for RSI because of the amount of pointless, unpaid typing you do.

Famous Praxitleles: Jimmy Hendrix, Arthur Atkinson (Have you seen it?)

hurrah I'm Hera

Hera HEE ruh
The Most Beautiful Goddess
One of the six Olympians, the daughter of Kronos and Rheia, Hera is the beautiful and powerful wife of Zeus.
She is the most beautiful of the immortals, even more beautiful than Aphrodite. Her beauty is renewed each spring as she magically washes away the ware and worry of her immortal lifestyle. Her name appears in many stories and she is often regarded as petty and unforgiving.

Bit o' myth

The story of Zeus and Io is the sad story of infidelity and revenge. Zeus changed his beautiful lover, Io, into a black and white heifer to hide her from Hera. Hera saw through the ruse and sent Argos Panoptes (all seeing) to keep watch on Io and keep Zeus away. Hermes, doing the will of Zeus, killed Argos and thus received the name Argeiphontes (the murderer of Argos). Hera would not be deterred from her vengeance. She sent a gad fly to torment and constantly prod the poor cow-woman so that she might never rest or find comfort. Finally, Io was driven to the ends of the earth (i.e. Egypt) where she found peace. The eyes of Argos can still be seen in the tail of the peacock.

pettiness rearing it's head I'd rether be
Hestia HE est tuh
The Goddess of Home and Hearth
Hestia is the eldest sister of Zeus but she chose to spend her time, not on Olympus, but on earth with the mortals. She has never wed but she protects orphans and missing children. She is the goddess of humble domestic joy. She is also one of only three who are immune to the spells of Aphrodite, the other two are Athene and Artemis.

:( :kiss: