I've been wondering about the phenomenon of the Overly Polite Driver. You know the kind, the one who at the intersection and having the right of way, nevertheless waves at you to go first/in front of them. I've always wondered, what if they change their mind, move, and then hit me, and I'm going to look at fault. What if they move because their brakes lose pressure and the car moves? Any reason is good enough - they move, I get hit, and I'm wrong. "But osspifer, she waved at me to go on." I bet that shit don't hold up in court, and I bet the gecko would cancel me for having too many st000pids in my head.
I'm coming up to an intersection one summer day - the windows were down. I'm turning left and have the turn signal on. The oncoming asshole stopped outright and motioned for me to turn left in front of him, which I declined to do. Like I trust him. Fuck him, you want to be polite, you have the right of way. Use it and allow other traffic to proceed - politely and like you have good sense. We know better. After a few seconds of this, he proceeds and hangs out his window to cuss me for not turning left in front of his momentarily stopped ass, thereby showing how his momma really brought him up. Cunt. I told him to die soon.
I have even put the car in reverse when safe and backed up out of an intersection so the "polite" buff00n would piss off and move along. Use. Your. Fucking. Right. Of. Way. Allah damn it.
And don't even stop for me to walk in front of you. I don't know you, I don't trust you, I don't trust your car. I'm not betting my 200# ass against your 4000# vehicle. Never gonna happen. Be polite, move along, and allow me to walk without fear of Teh St000pids. For the love of Allah . . . .
Happy Wednesday!!! Also happy Vernal Equinox, since that came to visit last night. Actually, I reckon that Spring has come to stay for its 3-month annual visit. Somebody raced around the house during the night. Everyone is quiet now that the human is up. Go figure.
I would have said "white girl problems," but I wouldn't want to hurt our women's feelings and they seem to post as "men" over on the PB, and they have lotsa problems, lemme tell ya.
Home. Nuked some of what was in the fridge. Trying to decide if cats get leftovers. They might.
Had three trades at work today. Shit got done - on the part that we need to have moved to already. Praises to Allah for all of his manifold blessings and great mercies . . . .
Happy Thursday!!! Slept straight through, which doesn't happen much. Gonna have folks working the job today. Progress, not reassembly. Thanks be to Allah!!! It's been too fucking long.
Coffee, the nectar of Allah . . . .
There is really nothing you must be and there is nothing you must do. There is really nothing you must have and there is nothing you must know. There is really nothing you must become. However, it helps to understand that fire burns, and when it rains, the earth gets wet.
~ Zen saying
There are many paths that lead to the summit of one and the same mountain; their differences will be the more apparent the lower down we are, but they vanish at the peak; each will naturally take the one that starts from the point at which he finds himself; he who goes round about the mountain looking for another is not climbing.
There is a lovely sound over there. It is the one of demolished building material hitting the dumpster. Praises to Allah, Wat's Work is getting done!!!
Happy Friday!!! Not sure if my crew is working tomorrow, but I'm not. They've done a very good job in following basic protocol, like closing the windows at the end of the day.
Sleep was half assed. It's quiet now, but there was a cat racing about earlier. Looks like rain blows in tonight and hangs around for most of tomorrow. Coffee blew in here a little while ago.
The key, during both life and death, is to recognize illusions as illusions, projections as projections, and fantasies as fantasies. In this way we become free.
~ Lama Thubten Yeshe, Introduction to Tantra
You live in illusions and the appearance of things. There is a Reality, you are that Reality. When you recognize this you will realize you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.
Home. Made a snack. Maybe more later - maybe. There is a stack of books to read and a rifle stock what needs some attention, as well as the rest of the rifle, too.
Happy Saturday. Sleep wasn't fully satisfactory, but here we are. Rain is getting it down outside. There will be grass cutting soon. Maybe tomorrow, if it dries a bit. There will also be some packing to take some stuff Out West. And I have to put a package together to return a wrong delivery, and then they''ll send the correct one. Oh well.
The landlady got part 2 of last fall's development project rented out. This is a guy on a long-term work assignment, which sounds a bit like what Wat used to do. He may have a buddy on the way, and that would take care of part 3. And a boss, which would take care of the rental house until the hunters come in September. And she got a new better job which she starts Monday. So that's a nice turn of events for her.
Coffee is a nice turn of events here.
If happiness hasn't been recognized when alone, a group of people will be a cause of distraction.
~ Adept Godrakpa, "Hermit of Go Cliffs"
I shoot an arrow right. It lands left.
I ride after a deer and find myself chased by a hog.
I plot to get what I want And end up in prison.
I dig pits to trap others And fall in.