Twenty Questions: Poets' Edition

I've been putting this off, but let's do this.

1. What poet should be in my bookcase (or, for the techno inclined, on my erm device).
The poets I could recommend did not write in English, as far as I know (Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Augusto dos Anjos).

2. If you could send me one poem which one would it be and why?
Hm. It seems to me that sending a poem is more like sending someone a political pamphlet and less like recommending a book. I guess I would send you one of mine, or write you one.

3. What's your favorite poetry related blog or website (besides here, obviously)?
The other poetry websites I've been visiting are all links that UnderYourSpell shared. :)

4. Who is the most exciting young/new poet I’ve never heard of, but whose work I ought to find and read?
I really have no idea.

5. What’s the funniest poem you’ve read?
I read one here on Lit one of these days that left me giggling, but I can't remember which. My memory sucks.

6. What poem can make you cry?
None. I guess I'd go for a long walk before reaching that point.

7. What supposedly immortal poem puts you to sleep?
Almost everything written by the Parnassians bores me to tears. So there, I guess in a sense they make me cry.

8. Even for poetry books, the contract has a provision for movie rights. What poetry book should they make into a movie? Who should star in it?
Next question...

9. What lines from a poem that you first read years ago still haunt you now?
This poem by Augusto dos Anjos:

Versos Íntimos

Vês! Ninguém assistiu ao formidável
Enterro de tua última quimera.
Somente a Ingratidão – esta pantera –
Foi tua companheira inseparável!

Acostuma-te à lama que te espera!
O Homem, que, nesta terra miserável,
Mora entre feras, sente inevitável
Necessidade de também ser fera.

Toma um fósforo. Acende teu cigarro!
O beijo, amigo, é a véspera do escarro,
A mão que afaga é a mesma que apedreja.

Se a alguém causa inda pena a tua chaga,
Apedreja essa mão vil que te afaga,
Escarra nessa boca que te beija!​

I read it out loud and the strong sounds just match the tone of the poem. (I can translate if anyone is interested.)

10. What poem do you love, love, love, but don’t understand?
The way my mind works, if I can't understand what I'm reading, I enter a mode where I keep trying to assign my own meaning to the text, as if it were a template with blank spaces that I needed to fill. So, unless I'm bored, I will keep reading and trying to force it to make sense to me. There isn't really any poem I've read (so far) that I "didn't understand" — only poems where I didn't feel confident that my interpretation matched the author's intention. butters' recent strange flames poem was tough, though. :D Oh, and 1201's, too.

11. What’s the best non-American poetry you’ve read lately?
Fernando Pessoa, a Portuguese poet. I feel a strong resonance to much of what I'm reading from him. It is eerie.

12. Do you prefer to read or listen to poetry? Maybe both? Why?
I prefer to read, because it allows me to analyze the piece. But then, to be honest I've never been to a reading, so...

13. What poem would you like to hear the main character bust out singing in a Bollywood film or American musical?
Bust out singing in a Bollywood film? Hahaha. Amusing, but none.

14. What is your favorite poem that is masquerading as a song?
A Construção, by Chico Buarque. (a decent translation of the lyrics)

15. Have you ever kept a book of poems in the john? Which one?
The john? *googles for the meaning* Mmmm... no. Might be a good idea, though. :rolleyes:

16. Did you have to memorize any poems in school? Which one(s)? How do you feel about the poem(s) now?
Egads, no! Thankfully. It was bad enough with the dozens of classic books we had to read, of which one or two were bearable. Maybe.

17. Who should be the next poet laureate (of whichever country is your home)? Why?
Uh... "Poet laureate"? *Googles*

A poet laureate (plural: poets laureate) is a poet officially appointed by a government or conferring institution, who is often expected to compose poems for special events and occasions.

A poet for the government? Phoo on that.

18. What's the best poem you've written? Why?
I haven't written that many. Those marked with a smilie face in my archival thread are the ones I feel were a step in the right direction. If I had to select a single one... Then #42, because no one mentioned it and I think it should get a few more reads. ;)

19. What is something surprising about you that I don't know? (If I barely know you this'll be a real easy one!)
I speak four languages. I'd like to learn more, but at this point I should probably invest time to keep those I already know in my mind.

20. Make up your own damn question and answer it.

What is a poem?
Naw, man... :rolleyes: Ask another.

Ok, ok... What is more important, awareness or communication?
I used to know. Then I changed my mind. Now I don't know, anymore.