Undercover Rookie (closed)

" I get it, when I do not know how many people are comming for me, I rather not have a gun that goes through Ammo faster than you go through women, but hey that is just me."

D says, purposefully keeping her cellphone in the bedroom as she takes as many clips as she could fit in her cloths.
“Blah, blah, blah. I’m still alive aren’t I?” Rob said jokingly as they finished packing up the rest of the ammo into a duffle.

“Let’s get going.”

They headed toward the elevator then down to the garage. As the exited the elevator they’re startled by the sound of tires screeching to halt echoing through the garage.
Dianna raised an eyebrow at the sound of the screeching as both of them started to run towards the cars, while it would be stupid of Manuel to hit them in their basement if he was planning to hit the place where they are supposed to be unarmed, she didn't even think about sticking around to find out.

The SIG already in her hands she looked over to Rob to see if he was going for the landrover for extra protection, or for the lambo for extra speed.
Rob moved quickly to the Rover then climbed in to see one the residents kids peeling out of the garage. He let out a light laugh.

“Guess we’re a little on edge.” He said as Dianna climbed in beside him.

The pulled out of the garage and made the drive over to Roberto’s house without further incidents. When they arrived, Roberto led them in then up to the meeting room where they found Tia’s body still on the floor.

“Ummm, something we need to take care of?” Rob said as she stepped around her.

“Pfffff” Roberto scoffed dismissively as he retuned to Tommy’s side.
Arriving at the compound, Dianna worried for a second as the security looked about the same as last time she was here. With the exception that she had already spotted several slight vulnerabilities that could be exploited to sneak in unnoticed.

Her nerves were set to ease once they entered the compound and it was clear that everyone was on sharp. Apparently they had chosen to accept a breach of the compound to lure more of their enemies in the kill box, which was bold as it would allow for several people to reach the meeting place if they were not perfect I their defense.

Arriving at the meeting spot, she stopped at the door as Rob went through as a couple of subordinates from Tommy were taking strategic placements around the lonly entry point.
Rob wave Dianna into the room with them. At this point there was no sense in holding anything back from her. Rob glanced back down at Tia then up to Roberto.

"So I'm assuming you figured out where the leak was coming from?" he asked nodding toward her body.

Roberto nodded. "Yeah, she was the easy one. The other is going to be a little harder but after what I saw this morning, maybe not that hard." he said as he continued to load clips.

Rob nodded knowingly. "Dianna spent the day with him. She might have some intel for you." he said before looking back at her.
Dianna was shocked as she was called into the room, almost as much as the rest of the people around her, who looked almost dumbfounded. Stepping in, she almost recoiled at seeing the dead body slumped against the wall, but as all eyes were on her she did her best to ignore it. Snapping to task as Rob told the men about her day she said.

"He stopped by the Odessa pub, and it was clear that the people there were very upset with him as he couldn't give them the information about what you guys would be packing during this meeting."

She stopped as it was clear that Roberto was about to blow a casket, probably more about the fact his son was fumbling the betrayal with the Russians more so than the betrayal itself. Then seeing the man motion her to continue she added

" I told them you all would be unarmed for this, they seemed pleased to hear it."

Roberto shot her a dirty look but then added.

"Smart move, but good thing you reported this back to your man, or you would be joining Tia right about now."

A shiver running through her spine at the coldness of the man, knowing full well that he meant it, the tension in the room reached a crescendo as Tommy's walkie scratched to life.

"Bogey inbound, over"

A voice announced over before the walkie buzzed back to life.

"Shit T, a lot of bogey's, a lot"
Tommy lifted the walkie to his mouth. "Let them get closer then cut them down. We want as many as possible out in the open."

Rob gave a nervous look to Dianna before pulling his TEC-9 our and racking the slide.

"She's about to get hot. Are you ready?" he asked looking at her.

It occurred to him that being a small town cop, this was way more action than she could ever dream of encountering but something in him told him she'd be able to hold her own.

Roberto leveled his pistol at Tia contemplating pumping another round into her forehead for being such a stupid bitch before Tommy stopped him.

"Can't boss. We're not supposed to be armed." he whispered even though there was really no need to.

It was only a short time later that they heard gunfire erupt outside. It was killing Rob not having a video feed of what was going on so he could have an idea about how many they were taking out.
"Fuck T, there are too many of them, we are being pushed back."

Everyone looked tense at the door as the sound of hundreds of guns going off back and forth were raging around them. It was clear that while the Russians had expected to hit their targets at their weakest, they had opted to take no chances.

D wondered how the feds could have been so wrong, she had been told to stay away because a small targeted attack would take place on leadership, but this sounded nighters small or targeted.

"T small contingency is breaking off towards you guys."

The voice called out and everyone pulled out their weapon and took cover where they could while still keeping aim at the door.

In the lobby they heard a ruckus, Manuel clearly yelling at the guards to let him in so he could protect his dad then the door flew open and Manuel peeked his head in.

"Dad let's get you to safety"

He yelled holding a gaudy Desert Eagle pointed atthe floor his face turning white at the sight of so many barrels pointed at him
Rob's finger closed around the trigger, edging closer to the pressure needed to send a volley of rounds into Manuel but was waiting until he absolutely had to. If it all possible he didn't want to be the one to do it. Especially not in front of his father.

Suddenly a shot rang out and Manuel's head jerked backward as a trickle of blood dripped down his brow. He seemed to hover on his feet for an eternity before his legs finally buckled and he crumpled to the floor.

"Almost did that this morning when my wife was pegging him." Roberto said with a sneer before getting up and dragging him over beside Tia so that they could secure the door again.

"Shit's about to get real. Any unfamiliar faces come through the door put them down but let's not all empty our clips into just one of them." Roberto said as he moved back to his cover.
Dianna was stunned as Manuel's head shot backwards as Roberto had fired his weapon, sealing away his son's life. Even if the man said he had almost done it earlier didn't take away to brutality of the action.

Only seconds after the door had been secure shots reverberated through the hall and they could hear bullets hit the wall and door infront of then. Then nothing for a few moments and everyone tensed up even more.

A second later an explosion ripped through the door as a breachingcharge cracked open the room as two flashbangs were tossed in the room. Dianna shielded her eyes but too late as her vision got blurred, and her ears rang from the shock, but letting her training take over she aimed her gun at the entrance and she blindly fired at the shadows at the entrance
The flashbang did it's job in causing just enough to give the attacks an edge. Dianna's words about spray and pray passed through Rob's mind as he pointed his TEC-9 at the doorway and sprayed fire at anything coming through. He heard a loud groan and looked over to see Roberto holding his torso, apparently hit. Ducking back beneath the cover Rob popped in a fresh clip and continued to fire as the smoke cleared and things started to move at a slower pace.

"D, are you ok?" he yelled out as he raced over to check on Roberto who was writhing on the ground.

He was sure what wasn't the last of them but they'd at least managed to make it through the first wave.
As her vision returned she saw that the doorway was a mess of bodies as the breaching party had been surprised about the group being ready for them. Reloading her Sig, she moved to the door to make sure they were safe. She found Tommy doing the same as he had moved to the other side of the door.

"Don't worry, this was not half as dangerous as dealing with your morning wood..."

She said as the men chuckled at the bad joke. But as Rob checked on Roberto the tension in the room build back up as the men were worried about their boss.
Under any other circumstance Rob would have found her joke hilarious but he couldn't muster a laugh at the moment. He could see Roberto had lost a lot of blood and the placement of the wound wasn't favorable for the vital organs that were likely in it's path.

"We've got to get him out of here fast if he's going to.." Rob started before stopping himself, unwilling to vocalize the obvious implications. "Is the hallway clear?"

Even if the hallway was clear he knew the path out of there probably wasn't and trying to carry Roberto out of there would make them sitting ducks just waiting to get picked off. There options were limited and he knew that wasn't good for the boss.

"Hand in there, we'll get you out of here." He said trying to reassure him as he gasped on the floor.
Tommy looked back at the men in the room, then at the woman next to him and cursed.

" Rob, Mike, take the big guy. We are moving to the garage."

Then giving the latina a look over he said.

" Ever saw how in movies cops, clear rooms? "

As the woman nodded he motioned her to go and stiffled a snarky comment as he didn't need her to know he knew right now, but this was just insane.


Dianna took the right as Tommy took the left as they moved in relative synchronicity through the hallway as the other two men, were dragging their boss between them. The wound looked bad as the man's shirt was already drenched in blood, so nobody took a moment to slow down until they got to the garage.


Hiding in the garage, Ally was going through her breathing exercises as she did her best to keep her cool. Sneaking in the compound had been easier than expected, but only because she had expected it to be near impossible. When Trask had told her the Russians had amassed a larger force than expected, she had not understood just how much larger he had meant. She had expected about two dozen men extra, but it seemed the Russians had decided to throw the kitchen sink at this take over. Hearing hurried footsteps moving towards the cars, she pushed the safety off and took aim.

Smiling as Diana moved into view, Ally was relieved to see that not only D was safe and armed, but that from the four top guys only one was armed at the moment as the rest were holding their boss up. Letting D and the armed man pass, Ally shot the man in the back, dropping him trusting D will finish him off if needed as see turned to hold the other three at gun point screaming

" FBI get on your knee's"


Startled at the shot, seeing Tommy drop to the ground, losing the grip on his gun, D turned her gun towards the source of the shooting. Holding her shot back as she saw Ally move forward, she looked at Rob as the Agent held them at gun point. Then without thinking, as the woman kept shouting orders, that were not being complied with, and threatening to shoot them, she raised her gun at the back of the head of the agent, and pulled the trigger.
Rob had expected to meet resistance along the way to the garage and was surprised when they met none. Surely, they had secondary assailants somewhere to deal with but they were nowhere in sight.

The shot as they entered the garage startled everyone and Rob froze noticing Ally now leveling her gun at him and telling them to get down on their knees. There was no way he was going out like this but, without a weapon, there wasn’t much he could do but stall the inevitable.

His eyes were drawn from Ally’s eyes by the movement behind her and he was stunned to see Dianna put her gun against the agents head and pull the trigger.

“Holy shit!” He sputtered out in surprise but he knew there had to be more to it than just Dianna moving over to the dark side.

She’d shot Tommy, no warning, no effort to subdue him. He knew that wasn’t on the level but what did Dianna know that he didn’t.

Continuing on to Roberto’s Rover he loaded him into the back seat then checked his vitals before they hit the road.

“Fuck!” He shouted out when he found no pulse. “He’s gone.”

Looking over at Dianna he made a decision and pulled Roberto from the Rover laying him on the ground next to it.

“You ready to get out of here?” He asked Dianna
Three weeks later:

Dianna looked nervously between the three men in the room. In the past few weeks, she had helped Rob take control of the organization, but thanks to the information special agent Trask had fed them om the Russians, assuming she was still a loyal asset for the feds, they had made quick work of the uprising. Now he had summoned them to a back room meeting with a man with a silly code name who was supposedly a big shot in the CIA. Dianna had been worried about the meeting but Tommy had convinced them, he could get them out of there if things turned south. Ignoring her completely the man slid a file towards Rob and after giving the gangster a chance to flip through it he said.

" My organization knows better than to take down every single bad guy. We understand that sometimes a solid partner in the shadows is actually beneficial for the safety of a nation. "

The man lit up a cigarette and took a large drag.

" Now you have shown a lot of potential in both keeping collateral to a minimum, but also efficient in taking over operations of those who stand in your way."

He punctuated his words by waving Trask out of the room.

" To be clear, this is not a shake down. We will not blow your cover with the feds if you say no. "

He says getting up himself.

" But if you want to be our partner, you can, knowing that we will help you with anything you need to have a coast to coast reaching organization. All you need to do is take this file home with you, or leave it hear if you want to do it on your own"

Slowly he drew out a gun, but clearly in a non threatening way and placed it on the table.

"As good faith gift, let's talk about your handler. If you want to blow her brain out, you have immunity, if you want to keep her to sell or to own, that is good to."

With that said he walked out the door, leaving Dianna to look at Rob to see what he would choose.
There was a lot of information dumped on Rob all at once but the most surprising was the last part. He looked at the gun placed on the table then to Dianna.

“Sounds like he’s saying your mine to with as I please.” Rob said as he slowly spun the gun on the table with his finger against the barrel.

“Now my obvious preference would be to own you but I also have a buyer line up that’s eager to get their hands on you. The price they’re offering isn’t great but I’m considering it anyway.”

Rob pulled his phone and flipped through is camera roll looking for the picture he was looking for then found it.

“I’m going to leave it up to you since you saved my as at Roberto’s. You choose.” He said before placing is phone on the table showing a picture of Alina on the screen.
Feeling guilt at seeing the picture of Alina, the angst that had washed over me as rob said he had a buyer flows away.

Then bitting my bottom lip, thinking about how much I love her, but also how I had changed during the past month I raise my eyes up at Rob and say.

" Sister wives?"
A broad smile stretched across Rob’s face.

“I was hoping you’d say that!” He said as he grabbed the folder and led Dianna out of the office.