Unlucky thirteen? September – 13-line Poem Challenge

The ones that got away

The big fish lost cause you forgot the net
The lottery ticket, one number away
The purr of Kitten before it went stray
The stake you lost on a longshot bet
The angry words you’ll always regret
The trip to France, the unforeseen delay
The golden chance that ain’t come yet
The prefect stranger, you never met
The absent father, after he left to stay
The wild child who was forever fey
The hope for tomorrow, the fear of today
The one of your dreams, who
had dreams of their own
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No bee shortage
in the snowberry bush
outside my window,
perpetual motion.

Tiny pink flowers
bow in obeisance
under a bee burden,
anticipating the fat
white berries to come.

Not a favorite food, shunned
by thrush, jay, and robin,
but there they are, glowing
in the hedge, fare for leaner months,