Used and Humiliated


And BTW...feel free to PM me if you have something to say that may get you slammed on here.
I'm curious, are there people on here with 'fetishes' that turn them on, in which you are forced into something? Fetishes that many may consider inappropriate...

You mean, there are fetishes that most consider appropriate? :eek: :D
For me, being used for others pleasure hasalways turned me on. The more they enjoy what they might be doing to me, rough sex, humiliation, etc, the more I enjoy it as long as we set some boundaries and stick to them. Even a little fear on my part is intense and exciting for me. I can only speak for myself, of course.
Luv her dom me

As a sub,sometimes you are willing to do anything to please and receive praise
I submitted to having my erection struck with a mini flogger after being instructed to cover my testicles the oh that is my good boy comments blew the top of my head off

My thing is for her to scold me as she spanks or pops me.
Luv her switching my butt while she instructs me on how to suck her toes correctly. Once she got into it so good that she thought she switched me too, hard but I came without an orgasm as she shoved me away. I was in complete bliss but never understood why I didn't orgasm.

I love being in control but I had to get used to the humiliation requests. I preferred Dom/sub interactions. Being asked to continuously treat someone this awfully was tough. I actually called a halt to more than one because I just could not get myself to say or do what they begged of me.
Humiliation is a very personal thing. My ex used to say that I could not be humiliated. She was wrong I think), it was just that I knew I deserved all that She did to me and I accepted it and begged for it.

She did many things to me and She made sure Her family knew about most of them. Her ex husband even commented at a family dinner about Her kicking me in the balls. Her bother in law asked for Her to dominate him and my ex and Her sister worked him over and fucked him right in front of me.

I won't go into some of the other things She did to me here on the public board but I will talk about it in private.
I am in total agreement.

Humiliation is a very personal thing. My ex used to say that I could not be humiliated. She was wrong I think), it was just that I knew I deserved all that She did to me and I accepted it and begged for it.

She did many things to me and She made sure Her family knew about most of them. Her ex husband even commented at a family dinner about Her kicking me in the balls. Her bother in law asked for Her to dominate him and my ex and Her sister worked him over and fucked him right in front of me.

I won't go into some of the other things She did to me here on the public board but I will talk about it in private.

I have always said that humiliation is in the eye of the beholder. What one person considers humiliation may mean literally nothing to another. Some very basic examples. I had a slave I owned for 3 years. Some levels of humiliation we enjoyed... other... simple things horrified her desperately. She was very proud of her 36DDD Breasts... and while I have not been a breast man per se, I agreed easily that they were very beautiful. One time. I had her go out with me without a bra on. Something many women do either with pride or with no emotion what so ever. For Her... going out in public without a bra (and fully covered and clothes otherwise) was a horrible humiliation that she literally couldnt stand. Thirty minutes and she was literally balling her eyes out.

The same thing I have seen many times over in regards to a woman wearing a knee lenth skirt w/o panties. Some women find it horibly humiliating... while others feel nothing at all.. and while others find it very arousing.

So.. many times Ive had a sub tell me they enjoy humiliation. My response is ever, "Ok, cool, what do you consider humiliation, what triggers that emotional reaction for you."

It never ceases to amaze me that few people understand that humiliation, just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Nothing gets me wetter, or reach orgasm faster. However there is a caveat to it. I have to trust the person implicitly. We have to be engaged in some form of relationship, with clear discussion of what is and isn't allowed.

If some rando tries it, or someone I only know a little bit, I will block his ass. Or punch him in the face. Nothing turns me off faster.
Nothing gets me wetter, or reach orgasm faster. However there is a caveat to it. I have to trust the person implicitly. We have to be engaged in some form of relationship, with clear discussion of what is and isn't allowed.

If some rando tries it, or someone I only know a little bit, I will block his ass. Or punch him in the face. Nothing turns me off faster.


It’s a good rule of thumb for D/s in general. There is the potential to stir up deep emotions, on both sides of the slash, and humiliation is right at the top.

It’s good to discuss with a potential fellow traveler where you want to go, what you expect, and trust that they are on the same page.
I respond strongly to humiliation, it's a mind fuck for me, an experience that's entirely mental and emotional and yet makes me react physically.

And I'm imagining everyone would have their own unique and personal triggers.
Humiliation. It's such a mind fuck. When he humiliates me, shames me for my behaviour, I become aroused. Then when he comments on my heightened, lusty physical response, my shame burns even deeper. It's a vicious, beautiful circle.
Ah some great points being discussed. Had some women is those different situations. In my mind i want it a Win-Win for both. Pleasure to your lover and she then takes care of you.;)
I think it all depends on the sub itself and if that arouses them, so be it. For me, I don't think it would work for me, it's not something that would arouse me, but I won't judge anyone who gets off on that at all. Not at all. Everyone is different and different things work for them. I don't shame people on what their kinks are.
Ah some great points being discussed. Had some women is those different situations. In my mind i want it a Win-Win for both. Pleasure to your lover and she then takes care of you.;)

You make an excellent point. For a BDSM dynamic to be healthy, all parties need to be getting their needs met. This way it fits. The D gets their needs met as well as the s. If that isnt happening... then its a extremely slippery slope for abuse to occur.

Just as there are huge differences between humiliation and degradation. One damages a persons self worth, the other does not. Humifaction, as beauty, is completely in the eye of the beholder... or submissive in this case. What effects one may not eve register with others and vice versa.

Master Doctor.:rose:
Since I have been on this site I have encountered several “subs” who thrive on being used and humiliated. I have to admit it’s an incredibly hot idea. And as one who tends to be on the dominant side of things I love the idea of using someone in every way possible. Unfortunately I am also geared toward being attentive and considerate. Generally speaking I am not satisfied unless my partner is as well. So it’s a new mindset to allow myself to use and humiliate someone. I suppose I need to understand that the submissive is actually being fully satisfied by my dominance. Thoughts?

I find your need to please incredibly sexy, why do you see this as a downside? I must admit I am new to submission, but in my fantasies my dom takes care of me. He makes sure I am fully satisfied yet always hungry for more. It’s a partnership, a trusting relationship where both parties aim to please.
You want humiliating?

You plan a trip to a private tropical island. You invite a few hot body play partners. You pay for everything. You get there. Nobody else comes.

But you know that's what will happen, because that's what always happens when you plan stuff.

So you know to not even bother.
I find your need to please incredibly sexy, why do you see this as a downside? I must admit I am new to submission, but in my fantasies my dom takes care of me. He makes sure I am fully satisfied yet always hungry for more. It’s a partnership, a trusting relationship where both parties aim to please.

Thank you, luv.
Being used and humiliated is not a rare fantasy. It all depends on the meaning of the word. If being humiliated means to be treated like shit and pissed on, I would rather eat living worms. If it means being called dirty names and expected to let the guy use me within my limits, than damn yes, it is damn sexy.

That being said, trying that with a complete stranger is usually a very bad idea. These kinky games are always risky if you are not 100 % sure that your partner will respect your limits.
It’s not uncommon for any strong emotion to manifest itself in a sexual response. The same applies for physical stimulation. Both are at the root of most kink
Being used and humiliated is not a rare fantasy. It all depends on the meaning of the word. If being humiliated means to be treated like shit and pissed on, I would rather eat living worms. If it means being called dirty names and expected to let the guy use me within my limits, than damn yes, it is damn sexy.

That being said, trying that with a complete stranger is usually a very bad idea. These kinky games are always risky if you are not 100 % sure that your partner will respect your limits.

Hi. Sorry to revive this thread, but I just stumbled upon it.
I love humiliation too, and I highlighted the above statement- in agreement.
It took me quite some time to come to terms with my fetish and to properly convey my needs to my Dominant. I can't imagine pulling a "one-off" with a new lover in this respect.
But now that I think more on it, perhaps I could. The freshness of their imagination could very well send me over the edge.
However, the comfort of knowing after it was all over, I would be put back together, is reassuring. Not sure if that would apply here. But then, a heavy conversation would probably happen beforehand.
Thanks to those putting up links to other conversations and threads.