Valentine's Villanelle Challenge - Poems

Poem 25

The Mikveh


Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
Yet again Sysiphus slips.
Time ticks uphill like a second hand rock.

It grows as if it was grass on the clock
in the mikveh where Sophie strips.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

Thinking of Zvi, she slips off her frock.
Her joy overflows; it drips.
Time ticks like a heavy second hand rock.

"My seven days on a widow's walk
are finally over," she quips.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

She dreams knock knock knock knock knock knock
of the sweet red wine they'll sip.
Time ticks like a heavy second hand rock

until the hour's a deep purple clock
with Zvi's song of songs on her lips.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
Time ticks like a heavy second hand rock.
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Poem 26

Untitled 2


T'was lost in limbo, your mailbox was full, promise never fulfilled

Americanadian sentence
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Poem 27

In dreams of you


In dreams of you that cannot be
I spend my days in reverie.
Your touch I want upon my skin,
Your tongue to venture in my quim.
Making love to never hide, carefree

We are hopeful and my plea
that one day will be you and me
loved and loving, then no sin
in dreams of you.

You look at me so tenderly
I cannot help but always see
the loving mirrored there within
that very soon we will begin,
never destined an absentee
in dreams of you.

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Poem 28

Office Romance


I don’t expect reply
but hope you don’t delete
my life would be complete
if I could catch your eye

your cubicle and mine
might seem worlds apart
and it will break my heart,
in fact I might resign

if you should answer back
in a non-responsive way
but it would make my day,
in fact The Zodiac,

to read that you do care,
our feelings are in tune
the path is rosebud strewn
and I’d try not to stare

across the office space
cos that might make you blush
cause an erotic rush
which would show on my face

because, below my desk
a peaked wigwam will grow
and every one will know
my imagined arabesque.

after all I mean to say
the words so hard to find
the thing that’s on my mind
be mine on V-tine’s day.

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Poem 29

Untitled 3


A Hill in hand Trumps many Bernies in the Bush......

American sentence or shd it be American elections....
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Poem 30

yet to have a title


I love you to pieces, he says
And I wonder at what that means
While I memorize the laugh lines around his eyes

He looks at me with amused tenderness
Unfazed by my tempests of emotion
I love you to pieces, he says

Love can feel fragile, even to a strong heart
Still he smiles as he hands me his
And I wonder at what that means

Days turn to months turn to years
There will never be enough time to love him
While I memorize the laugh lines around his eyes

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Poem 31

Stardust Lullabye


When stardust limns the world in white,
and the moonshine wanes in limpid pools,
we should bathe our souls in that good light

not fall damp and wasted amongst the fools
where stagnant water breeds all that's wrong.
This moonshine wanes in limpid pools

and mutes the voice of evening song,
night strives to deafen the melody of love
in stagnant water that breeds all that's wrong.

So until heaven's angels fall from above
and ease the moon into its darkened bed
please, dear, sweeten the melody of love

with kisses of dewfall on my sleepy head.
The coming dawn settles me to my rest
and eases the moon into its darkened bed.

My heart understands how I've been blessed
when stardust limns the world in white.
The coming dawn settles me to my rest
and bathes my soul in that good light.

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Poem 32

A loving wife laments


Although he is my moon and stars, I see a lot of those as he snores.

American sentence
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Poem 33


make love the long way
beyond superficial
almost forever

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Poem 34

Closing Time Valentine


The Moon, silver at closing time, drops low
and sidewalks talk in echoes to the rain
in ennui darling, languid soft and slow

like honey drips but doesn't quit its flow,
just hangs tears out to dry, to sigh their pain.
The Moon, silver at closing time, drops low

and Sonny serenades me, he can show
me my darn dream that seems an old refrain
in ennui darling, languid soft, and slow

my weary hues, our blues. We can forgo
the dawning Sun: the night's not done. Remain.
The Moon, silver at closing time, drops low.

Now kiss me Sonny, pucker up and blow.
You know how, Valentine. Hold me again
in ennui darling, languid soft and slow

like it's still yesterday, time left to go
gentle into our goodnight. Don't explain.
The Moon, silver at closing time, drops low
in ennui darling, languid soft and slow.
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Poem 35

Beloved be thy name
(Beloved be thy name my inamorato be my love true)


Beloved be thy name as true
Entrust in life as dreams to never part
Let love invigorate with passions fuel
On heavens drifting clouds of sapphire blue
Veer love in yearning bond to fabled skies
Engrave with me thy stars as cupid’s heart

Do follow faith and bind my heart
Beloved thine to be my soul as true
Embrace with me and feather darkened skies
To hold at bay the hollow world to part
How cupid’s heart will never pale to blue
Your love will be the future to my fuel

No shadows will smother our fuel
As Aphrodite’s will to steal thy heart
May lift our shades over the azure blue
Entwined as you and me as lovers true
My love to kiss your lips and never part
Your soul my wings to fly on sacred skies

In flights of fancy to sheer the skies
No demon will deny our fevered fuel
As Night to Either we will never part
My gracious gift offered to thee, my heart
Oh love be sincere darling please be true
Replenish thine eyes in my skies of blue

As dreams to fly the timid blue
To be as wishful love on wanton skies
Oh blessed be for me as cupid true
Beloved rage with love in fevered fuel
Exclaim for me beyond thy trusted heart
My love bestowed for you will never part

Your whims and wills to darkness part
Lace life with light on skies of loving blue
On bended knee I will thy tender heart
Vitality to dream our sapphire skies
Endow with desire passions to our fuel
To faith in forever as lover’s true

Reveal and part the blue night skies
Unveil as cupid’s dart to lover’s fuel
Embrace my heart inamorato as true

Sistina and Acrostic
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Poem 36

Seneca's Speech on the Feast of Lupercalia


Why bother to save for a rainy day
when the gods will give us goats to make cheese?
Oh, Citizen, give your toga away!

But we hoard our coins like the family's slave
to buy a future of freedom and ease.
Sunflowers still bloom on a rainy day.

Blow bubbles in the public baths today.
Though bubbles will burst, there won't be debris.
Oh, Citizen, give your toga away!

Go play with the children. Be led astray!
The present moment is free if you please.
The rain is a kiss on a rainy day.

But you'll have more denarii, you say,
for someday a chariot with two seats.
Oh, Citizen, give your toga away,

for love is true and forever's today.
Entrails of the sheep give no guarantees.
Why bother to save for a rainy day?
Oh, Citizen, give your toga away!
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Poem 37

Miss Muse Don't Write No Love Letters
(except to Pablo Neruda)


When poetry arrives in search of me,
she opens up a pretty can of worms.
She tries to act as if it's so carefree,

as if Miss Muse has simply come for tea
and come without criteria or terms.
When poetry arrives in search of me

she taunts, Look how many words rhyme with "sea"
or "moon." Listen: a tune.
(I get the squirms.)
She tries to act as if it's so carefree,

as if I won't break down eventually,
pleading for ideas. Nothing can confirm
when poetry arrives in search of me.

And would you other poets not agree--
the muse is charming but she comes with germs?
She tries to act as if it's so carefree

and not like climbing up a greasy tree,
a tempting art that never does affirm
when poetry arrives in search of me.

She tries to act as if it's so carefree.
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Poem 38

Making music together


Hear every aery rhapsodical thrilling songs
Each time I see your dear face next,
And whenever your body is ever near
Rhythms course through like cadenza.
Tumbling my emotions out into space,
So tremble, reaching an ecstatic high.

(A Quadruple Acrostic, first letters of each line spell a word, as do the end letters reading backwards, plus top and bottom lines)
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Poem 39

Cellar Days


It was one flight down and under a dive
run by a tall and surly guy named Joe.
It was happening there: we felt alive

and thrived. We didn't care. Outside was jive
ticky tacky burbs, one-horse towns, too slow.
It was one flight down and under a dive

and Al started taking tickets at five--
he sat upstairs in the deli you know.
It was happening there: we felt alive,

got a garage band high, baby you drive
beep beep right to the ground, park it just so
it was one flight down and under a dive.

Tell your parents anything, just connive
and get there, do the hitchike, do it, yo.
It was happening there: we felt alive

in those far-off raving magic days. I've
kept them in my heart through years in this flow.
It was one flight down and under a dive
It was happening there: we felt alive.
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Poem 40

Valentine for S.


You should have kneeled, her Master says.
His crop cuts deep into her thighs
Because she is mere chattel: his.
You should have kneeled, the Master says
From his chalet at Alpe d’Huez.
Her love for him weeps out. Weak sighs.
You should have kneeled! So Master says,
And sternly lashes offered thighs.

triolet variation
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Poem 41



You always gave,
but then I took.
Always so easy
to pretend
it couldn't, wouldn't
ever go this far.

But so far
what you gave
I wouldn't
know you took
seriously, pretend
it was easy.

"Take it easy"
you say, far
better to pretend
I really gave
and you took.
But I wouldn't.

So why wouldn't
it be easy
when all I took,
yet so far,
you really gave?
Why pretend?

You're all pretend,
so now wouldn't
what I gave,
although easy
go just go so far
and assuage I took?

I'm happy I took,
now I won't pretend
I'd then have far
to go and wouldn't
it all be easy.
Find again you gave?

You wouldn't admit I took and I won't pretend you
found it easy, but by far I'm sure you're glad you gave.

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Poem 42

He didn't love me then?


We met when we were children
but you didn't love me then,
the days of pulling pigtails
when we were were only ten.

Our Teenage years, angst and all,
I wanted you to stay
for those nights of stolen kisses
But you didn't look my way.

You left behind, still waiting,
when you marched away to war.
I'd hoped that you might notice me
but your were married to the Corp.

An older man returned to us,
now broken and supine,
but turned away unworthy
he thought, to even then be mine.

At this final rejection
and before it got too late,
I saw another waited
and took his brother for my mate.

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Poem 43

Gifts of Love


Gifts of love given in many ways,
just a fingers touch on passing by
a look, a smile are what conveys

there is no need to reason why
her heart beats faster every time
just a fingers touch on passing by.

A tender kiss that says that I'm
thinking of you throughout the day
her heart beats faster every time.

Always my Valentine in every way
each morning's embrace will show
thinking of you throughout the day.

So on this special day she'll know
love is strong throughout the year,
each morning's embrace will show

she is everything you hold dear.
Gifts of love given in many ways,
love is strong throughout the year
a look, a smile are what conveys.

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Poem 44

My heart's hunger sated


With wings unfurled on some windy ride
wet my lips with nectared dew
blushed as his, she called him
never wondering what the future held tight.
My companion in the sunbeam,
your warm caress arouses life, such
succulent pillows of pink sugar vulva
but with my love let my heart's hunger sate.

Cento ........ all lines from the poems of champagne1982's submissions for the Survivor Competition
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Poem 45



I will be your friend
And I will be your lover
Until bitter end
As there will be no other
From now until forever

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Poem 46


the first kiss of his lash
the sweet salt taste of leather
bound her forever

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Poem 47

A Valentine and a Slice of Meat


Toe Jam returned with a red crayon heart
for the lady down at the A&P
deli who gave him a free slice of meat.

She thought it more than a poor try at art
because with her measured eye she could see
the good of what's drawn from a sacred heart

with soul, albeit a mind incomplete,
on an envelope marked "To Addressee."
She gave him another free slice of meat.

"No Shoes, No Service." He knew how to read
who sleeps in the park with a potpourri
of butts, cans, and other debris. Take heart,

Toe Jam. You now have a friend off the street
in the deli down at the A&P
who'll smile at you when she slices the meat

with you there, second-hand shoes on your feet
you bought from Finny with cans you redeemed
to come back again with another heart
and hunger for something other than meat.
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