Variations on a theme...


Sunset through the trees
Say hello to Pax, my lovely little 5e Deep Gnome! They're a lawful evil Alchemist Artificer, who'll bend the rules to their absolute breaking point, to get back at the one who took their left eye!

Designed them myself and printed from Heroforge 🥰 Sword's alight with Green-Flame Blade, their signature spell!

deep gnome.jpg
Say hello to Pax, my lovely little 5e Deep Gnome! They're a lawful evil Alchemist Artificer, who'll bend the rules to their absolute breaking point, to get back at the one who took their left eye!

Designed them myself and printed from Heroforge 🥰 Sword's alight with Green-Flame Blade, their signature spell!

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Oh, that’s all the awesome, V! Amazing paintwork too!
Say hello to Pax, my lovely little 5e Deep Gnome! They're a lawful evil Alchemist Artificer, who'll bend the rules to their absolute breaking point, to get back at the one who took their left eye!

Designed them myself and printed from Heroforge 🥰 Sword's alight with Green-Flame Blade, their signature spell!

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A natural 20 (even) on that one (odd), VX.