
In my experience, it was a minor procedure with a quick recovery and there was no change in our sex life -- for better or worse.

We'd had our two kids and accepted the notion that two was sufficient. The older me wonders if we'd had more children, if that experience would have been as phenomenal and rewarding or if we just got lucky with the two we got.
No Big Deal!

Had it done in 1978. Enjoyed every moment especially since the introductory cocktail was 20mg of Valium. The worst of it is the anxiety about what they're going to do. Really, it's nothing.

Look, some guys think that a vasectomy is some kind of emasculation. BS! Shooting blanks means you can shoot at anybody without having unwanted results. And, to tell the truth, it's way better than your SO having a tubal ligation.

Man up and get it done!!!
I'm happy I had one! The urologist said he sewed some sort of piece between the cut and cauterized ends so the could never reconnect.
Had mine done several years ago all went easy and find it so much more sensitive and enjoyable not using condms to prevent accidents.

I agree, it is nice to know you can "whip it out" where/whenever the mood strikes. Literally. No worry about finding a condom, trusting the condom, or anything...

If you "get around" the only thing you need to consider is STD safety. I have been lucky to be honest. I have never had an STD and "he" don't like condoms.
Easiest procedure I've ever had done.

Follow the instructions on "prepping the area" and it's all good.

The doc and I were literally shooting the shit about what bicycle he should get next (since my bill was well over the cost of it) and mid-sentence he interrupted me and asked "want to see the tube I just cut out?"

Recovery was a breeze and the increased sensitivity that lasted for a few months was a bit of a double edged sword or pleasure and annoyance.
I can only agree that it's the best I've ever done, after we decided not to have more kids! Easy procedure, sort recovery and three (or four) sperm tests later, it was "good to go". :)
Happy I had it done,
I agree with the comments about the cum changing.
Mine hurt

I had it done and it felt like being kicked in the balls sloooooowly. My inflammatory response is pretty bad to surgical incisions, so I swell up bad for a long time. My doctor only does them on Fridays so you can rest on weekends...except I worked the day after...bad choice, sore, and swollen. Jock straps are just plain uncomfortable and don't hold my normally huge nuts comfortably when they're not swollen.

A year afterwards I had a similar swelling and pain happen...epididymitis an infection resolved with a week of antibiotics. No more worries about getting pregnant...My wife is the most fertile person ever, though. And every once in a while I miss the pull out, money shot...but not enough to actually pull out..šŸ˜Š
I had mine done a couple years ago. An important note: If you've ever had novicane wear off too soon while at the dentist, tell your Dr! For what ever reason, my body metabolizes that type of medication too fast and the stuff wore off half way through the procedure. It was a very intense burning and pain. Thankfully the Dr had more on hand.
Had mine done 20 years ago in a small town. The doc demonstrated the technique to all the medical staff at the local hospital. The worst part was having all my friends and aquaintences watching my junk on the operating table!
Nobody has touched on what I think are two really important aspects. They are:
1. YOU take charge of birth control. (i.e. you are not subject to the risk of pills not being swallowed on time or production defects in various products.
2. If your lover is on the pill you need to be aware that there are a number of side effects and long term health implications. Birth control fucks with her hormones - affects her psyche (mood and affect) and physiology (dryness etc can occur). You getting snipped will liberate her from the burden (and stress) of managing birth control. And hey, sex is better when there is no worry or stress..
I had my vasectomy done way back in 1964. Already had a family with four children. One of the best decisions I (and wife) ever made. Although the marriage eventually failed (ten years later) the failure was for other reasons. Best birth control ever....
There are known negative side effects in a small percentage. Your doc will tell you about them. You will say....thats a small likelihood. But if that person is it was with flat out 100% sucks. I would not do it again.
In two words, "Do it."

What he said.
I'm divorced now, but had my procedure done in 2010 when I first saw the possibility for our marriage going downhill after ten years. Plus my Ex had complications with her IUD, and we both agreed her going on the pills wouldn't work.
Easiest outpatient procedure I've ever had, pulling my wisdom teeth hurt more.

As for the procedure itself and the recovery time, physically, it should be relatively uneventful. A local anesthetic, a couple of stitches, followed by a couple days of feeling a bit tender down there. After a day or two, you'll barely notice.

The hardest part with me was jerking off into a cup on demand. The followup I was allowed help in the little white room ;)

The mental aspect fucked with me for before I did it and afterwards. Nothing changes. You'll still shoot the same size loads as before. The cream of a creamy orgasm isn't produced by your balls. There won't be a consistency difference. Nor a taste difference. Your balls won't fill with jizz and explode. Your body will just absorb the extra sperm without concern for why it didn't exit your body.

DOOD! I am with you on that one. The worst part is the mental fuckery you put yourself into. I MUST SPAWN, MY COCK WON'T WORK, WHAT WILL I TELL MY's all horseshit.

I never felt more liberated as a man than after my snip.

Do not drywall a garage ceiling the next morning! It cause swelling and bruising for a week. The procedure itself was painless other then a slight tugging sensation. Although every on duty nurse in the small town hospital seemed to need supplies from that room.
The worry free sex afterwards was definitely worth the short term discomfort, even including the swelling and bruising.

I rode a bike for 1800km the next day, no swelling or bruising.
Yes I'm one of THOSE men that doesn't listen to directions well. Not only didn't I have complications, it actually improved our sex life. Well for a bit, until the excuse that we weren't having sex because of pregnancy was not an option anymore.

Easiest procedure I've ever had done.

Follow the instructions on "prepping the area" and it's all good.

The doc and I were literally shooting the shit about what bicycle he should get next (since my bill was well over the cost of it) and mid-sentence he interrupted me and asked "want to see the tube I just cut out?"

Recovery was a breeze and the increased sensitivity that lasted for a few months was a bit of a double edged sword or pleasure and annoyance.

Buh whaa haaa HAAAA HAAAAA
Mine liked to talk about motorcyles, as long as they were Hogs.
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