Vintage Literotica ~ for friends and admirers

Nice smile.
Once upon a time you had to wash
Your dress before you headed to the ball;
And fabrics were so scarce - no one said <<gosh!>>
When you simply wore nothing on at all,
Because you lacked the income to allow
Your wardrobe to be filled with fripperies;
And you, of course, knew very well just how
A naked derrière was like to please
The men who watched you wash - each furrowed brow
Matching the hardness each bad man espoused;
But my great granny did not care a jot,
Although each gentleman became aroused;
For if they came with a splat, they would not
Be fit to interrupt her happy dancing fun,
When she would twirl with men sans their hard on.

Méli 🐦

Il y avait une fois.jpg