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i know about that highlight change area WH, but it doesn't work for the word 97 preset yellow highlight. any other ideas?
wildsweetone said:
i know about that highlight change area WH, but it doesn't work for the word 97 preset yellow highlight. any other ideas?

You're talking about the marking of changed text, rather than the highlighter then?

Go to Tools -> Track Changes -> Highlight changes -> options button.


Tools -> Options -> Track changes Tab

That should give you the options to change the color and characteristics of each reviewers changes.
perhaps it's only changeable on documents 'received' back after being edited...?

sorry, i'm a slow learner. i appreciate your patience so far. thank you :)
wildsweetone said:
perhaps it's only changeable on documents 'received' back after being edited...?

I think changing the color only changes future changes and not those already highlighted. It might change the highlighting if youclose a file and re-open it, but I think you'd have to save the file in RTF format and re-open it to change the highlighting on existing changes.
I have come to the conclusion that it's a Windows '98 (or Word 97) pre-set setting that has no option for change. I saved a document as an 'rtf' but still the yellow highlighting for 'comments' was set and couldn't be overridden.
wildsweetone said:
I have come to the conclusion that it's a Windows '98 (or Word 97) pre-set setting that has no option for change. I saved a document as an 'rtf' but still the yellow highlighting for 'comments' was set and couldn't be overridden.

I'm using windows 98 and Word (office) 97 and the only yellow markings I ever get are from the yellow highlighter pen (which I have set to green so I don't even get yellow from that.)

I've currently got a problem with my copy of Word that keeps me from changing some of the options -- the track changes and editing tabs are both blank. I haven't gotten around to re-installing Word yet becaue I have the settings the way I want them and don't need to change them anyway.

Can you post a picture of the yellow highlighting you're having trouble with?
post a picture? heck you are kidding me right? gee whizz i'm not that much of a techomanic you know ;)

i will explain what i do and what happens...

1. open received office document in Word 97

2. select the area that needs editing.

3. click on 'insert comment' on the toolbar.

4. the 'comments' box opens at the bottom of the page and the area selected is highlighted in yellow with my initials and 1 i.e. KS1

...the yellow does not appear able to be changed.

5. i type in my editing comments. they show up when i hold my curser over the highlit area, and they also show up in the comment box.
wildsweetone said:
post a picture? heck you are kidding me right? gee whizz i'm not that much of a techomanic you know ;)

Posting a screen capture from win 98 isn't all that difficult. All it requires is a photo-editor (like MS Photo Editor that comes with Office 97) that can paste from the clipboard.

When you're ready to take a snapshot of the screen, hit the "Print Screen" (located just to the right of F12);

Open MS Photo Editor;

click Edit -> Paste as a new image;

save the image as a JPG. (You can crop, edit or resize as required to suit before saving. )

The attached image is before clicking "Insert Comment"
wildsweetone said:
4. the 'comments' box opens at the bottom of the page and the area selected is highlighted in yellow with my initials and 1 i.e. KS1

...the yellow does not appear able to be changed.

5. i type in my editing comments. they show up when i hold my curser over the highlit area, and they also show up in the comment box.

This image is after clicking "insert comment" -- it does not show the comments when I hover the cursor over the comment marker.

The Help/About Word window says I'm running "Microsoft (r) Word 97 SR-1"
whew, fanning myself now after all that. okay let's see if i can figure out how to attach them to this posting...
as it states, after clicking 'insert comment' can you see that it automatically throws up the yellow highlight marking?
wildsweetone said:
as it states, after clicking 'insert comment' can you see that it automatically throws up the yellow highlight marking?

That's got to be changeable unless there's a drastic difference between the Export version of Word 97 and The US version.

Perhaps it has something to do with you have the spelling and grammar "check while you type" turned on, as that is the only difference I can see between the way you have your options set and the way mine are.

I turned that off ages ago, becuse it really slows my typing down when it is turned on. (I type faster than it can check and display the highlights.

However, You really don't need to highlight anything to add a comment -- just place the cursor where you want the comment to show (preferably ahead of what you're commenting on.)

The only time you need to select text is when tou're going to overtype it with new text,
The 'check while you type' appears to make no difference whether it's on or off. I generally have it on, but ignore it while I'm typing. I tend to use the F7 key - if I feel a need to have Bill walk all over my work ;)

I have practised using the 'insert comment' function without selecting text and I understand how it works, thanks for that.

I think that perhaps it must be a difference in the versions... hmm maybe I should try reinstalling Word 97 onto my system. I reformatted my hard drive two or three months ago, putting Word back on. Perhaps it didn't pick up the whole program at the time...?

I appreciate all your time and help WH. Thank you dear. :rose: