oh you poor poor dear

were you properly weaned? probally not... well.. cum mere sweet thang.. i got just the thing to fill your sucking needs *opening my arms.. pressing your head to my breast* mmmm thats a boy .. oh yeah.. right there... take you a mouth full :p
*opening mouth wide*

mmmmm anything else I can suck on? eat? or lick? anything that needs to be plugged in? I need someone to cuddle w/ someone to hold in my arms while I fall asleep tonight, wanna join me?

It's my birthday today.. where's my lil dropout when i need? don't have anyone to give me my birthday licks *wink* hehe

any volunteers? *bending over*
*starts licking*

Awww honey, I am sorry I missed your birthday, I can give you those licks now if you wish, just let me know where, and how many.. I will give you as many as you want or how about I just supprise you *starts licking you all over, until you are really hot n bothered*

Now anything else I can do sweetie?
Re: *poutin*

Savage Kitten said:
It's my birthday today.. where's my lil dropout when i need? don't have anyone to give me my birthday licks *wink* hehe

any volunteers? *bending over*

They can just get in line behind me! Tis our birthday today, I'd be honored to administer your birthday LICKS!!!! How many? One per year? I sure can't take that many before I go over the top!!!! But what a way to gooooooo.... Bet she left for work already, darn...
They have no idea..

To Haides with those other imps... I read some of your work and browsed your page. You truly are a Lilin Child. Email me and see just how dark Gothic can be. You have no idea my child, but I bet your willing to find out.
Re: Re: *poutin*

Arby said:
Tis our birthday today, I'd be honored to administer your birthday LICKS!!!!

really Arby?? we have the same birthday?? WOW AWESOME FAR OUT!!! isn't it the most wonderful and purrrrfect day of the year???

it's only fair that we 'swap' licks!! *lol* 30 for me... how many for you??
Well, I have been replaced, time for me to move on to a new land. Maybe find a new girl, get a house, get a car or two.. White fence, and a few dogs.. *pout*
oh baby...

neva eva could anyone replace my baby!! *grinz* just fate stickin her middle finger in the air when she sends me someone with my same BD though hehe She knew I wouldn't be able to resist that

anyway... r u plannin on havin 2.5 kids or wha?? lol

poor poor baby... its too soon for you to grow up yet anyway... don't pout okies?? you do look too darn cute when u do that though *wink*
wooohoo i'm not being replaced!! hehe I once dated a girl with the same bday, same year as me.. It was odd... we were only born hours apart, in the same hospital. Crazy stuff if you ask me :)

No, No! PreSchoolDropout, You cannot be replaced! What you think this is some kind of corporate stucture where you give all your knowledge and then get the boot??

Savage Kitten, Hon, you got to get two licks per year or you gonna be behind fast... I been here lots longer!!!
How many licks does it take to get to the creamy filled center of an ARBY tootsie pop?? hmmmmm I guess we'll just have to find out

*sloowwwww lick*....3

mmm what a yummy job... and mine's gonna last longer than yours isssss *na na na*
Well, I do wear a suit and tie to work daily, and wear my expensive shoes, and colonge so. I figured what goes with the teritory.. I have never gotten replaced, didn't know if this would be the first :)
*licks deep within kitten slowly bringing her to climax then stops to make her want him, and beg him for more*

*wink* just thought i'd give you something for your bday even tho it's late babe
in that case....

I'm havin another birthday tomorrow... and then another one this weekend and ummmmm.... hehe *kisses* thank you baby...

may i have a pic pleeeeeeeeeease?

Hey I'll send you a pic! All you have to do is ask and tell me what kind of pic you would like......

Soul... i did email you but i figured i was ignored *pouts*

sweet sweet lil preschool dropout... don't play games with me or i'll have to get out my handy dandy paddle *weg* hehe ;)
i didn't??

i'm sorry baby! i could have swore i did! ... was thinkin i was waiting to hear back from you.. are you sure hun?? {{{{hugz}}}} i wouldn't never wanna do anything to make ya sad!!

i got a busy day ahead of me for monday but maybe tuesday i can email ya again kk?? *kisses* sowwy honey!
*all smiles*

Hey dear :)
How ya doin? .. I'll be awaiting the email .. I reply'd to your's with my pictures, did you get them? i hope so *kisses*