was browsing

Angeline said:
I've spent a fair amount of time in Iowa City and worked with a number of workshop people. Most of them are good people and struggle like everyone here does. Jorie Graham is one person.

And for the record, I've never had a government grant in my life. I walked away from a bad marriage and a very lucrative career to focus on my writing and be with eagleyez. I make slightly more than minimum wage now with no benefits as a teacher of reading and writing--primarily to little kids with learning disabilities.

Just so you know. My comments are truth, not lip service. What have you given up to write?

There's another position for moderator open. I mainly stayed for Eve anyway.

I'm sorry Lauren. I've had it.


Angeline I am about to do the same thing.. give up everything to move and have more time to write... thank you for sharing this with us here. This so happens to be the subject of my essay on Zen Mountain.. change...
thankyou again for showing that it is all about how much you want it.
du lac~
Du Lac said:
Angeline I am about to do the same thing.. give up everything to move and have more time to write... thank you for sharing this with us here. This so happens to be the subject of my essay on Zen Mountain.. change...
thankyou again for showing that it is all about how much you want it.
du lac~

Good luck to you Du, and thank you. It ain't easy but I'm a happier person now than I ever was because of it...and him. Just keep writing. :)

Angeline said:
Good luck to you Du, and thank you. It ain't easy but I'm a happier person now than I ever was because of it...and him. Just keep writing. :)

ty ange and I know I will also be happier both because of it... and my him. Life is a riddle to twist our souls if we let it... I just decided to let go and let it be.
some times

Angeline said:
Good luck to you Du, and thank you. It ain't easy but I'm a happier person now than I ever was because of it...and him. Just keep writing. :)


we sit still in the quiet ..breath ....let the illusion of the storm brew and swirl...and somewhere the answer will always lie in the gift of the learning ...the path that leads one to another crossroad to growth..and maybe you and eve are at that crossroad ...don't know for sure but, only when one is ready for something else do they let go of what they have...hope you all can work things out in honor and love...be blessed this day ange/eve..all ...thanks for all your support and thoughts...lol/blue
Du Lac said:
ty ange and I know I will also be happier both because of it... and my him. Life is a riddle to twist our souls if we let it... I just decided to let go and let it be.


here is the shortest poem i ever wrote:


Angeline said:
I've spent a fair amount of time in Iowa City and worked with a number of workshop people. Most of them are good people and struggle like everyone here does. Jorie Graham is one person.

And for the record, I've never had a government grant in my life. I walked away from a bad marriage and a very lucrative career to focus on my writing and be with eagleyez. I make slightly more than minimum wage now with no benefits as a teacher of reading and writing--primarily to little kids with learning disabilities.

Just so you know. My comments are truth, not lip service. What have you given up to write?

There's another position for moderator open. I mainly stayed for Eve anyway.

I'm sorry Lauren. I've had it.

what are you so bent out of shape about? Are you from Iowa? Are you Jorie? I pulled this up only because it was the the mention of Iowa Workshop.
anonamouse said:
what are you so bent out of shape about? Are you from Iowa? Are you Jorie? I pulled this up only because it was the the mention of Iowa Workshop.

Argue with someone else. I'm busy writing.

Angeline said:
We are in agreement anna--I think. I'm not saying injustice doesn't matter to me--I have many reasons to be deeply disturbed by injustice--whether I experience it personally or not. My point is simply that it has no bearing on why I write.

If you reread my original post you will see that I said taking advantage of people is wrong.

I think you misread my intent sometimes so I want to clarify myself. Some people get very focused on the publication game. I love being published but I write regardless of whether I am or will be. I spent a number of years in fairly high-level academic circles. I have no interest in being part of the scrambling and backstabbing that accompanies much of it. I just love to write.

I think most poets do not write specifically to be published, but many get so caught up in trying to be published or get into the "good places" that it effects what and how they write. I'm not pointing fingers, just making an observation. That life is not for me.

Aye aye, I shouldn't have quoted your post. It was what you said that triggered my thoughts, but I did not mean to imply that social justice did not matter to you.

To each his own. I have never entered any contests, I am not there yet (or ever!) but I do enjoy getting published here and there as well.
