washington peeps

Maaaaybe... If I hold still long enough... I kinda wiggle.

Well that is what would make it sexy (wink).
Thought I would get this thread out of the cellar!

Hope all of you had a great Xmas and New Year
T-Town (253!)

Hey there to all the fine Lit WA folks. Just set up my membership. In the heart of T-Town. Quiet night and cruising the Pr0n. Nice to know we are such a literate and horny bunch here in Washington! Must be those long dark winter nights...
Hi! I'm new to the forum. Nice to see people a thread for Washington, I'm in Walla Walla myself.
Hi! I'm new to the forum. Nice to see people a thread for Washington, I'm in Walla Walla myself.

Nice to have you onboard with such a tittilating pic! I am in the Tri-Cities, so what are the chances we could chat and maybe do lunch someday? :rolleyes:
Really depends upon what you like to do for fun. One place to go is the Pike Place Market. There of course is always the Space Needle and Seattle Center.

I think one of my favorite things to do on a nice sunny day is take a ferry ride. The view of the mountains while on the water can be breathtaking. There is lots of other things to do depending upon what you like to do for fun.

I hope the weather is nice when you do visit and that you have a great time while here.

By the way you're birthday is the same as mine, yeah us! lol. :)