Welcome To Lancecastor's Subforum !

Re: O my God!

Lance with a board of his own? Now that's scary. This should be interesting.

Carrot Top and The Ramones shilling for AT&T is scary.

Lancecastor with his own Forum is justice poetique, je crois.
Okay kids...it's a new week here on Lancecastor's BDSM Free For All, so I just wanted to wish you all a kinky week.

Grrls, don't forget to masturbate where you can be seen by strangers, and guys, remember to grab a little ass in the elevators.

Now get out there and bring us back some kink!
It appears that the Grand Poohbah & Main Master has abandoned ship or perhaps there was a coup and "Sir Lance" has been overthrown. :eek:
OK, so does this mean that God of Threads is now in charge?

-kym- Not sure about that Demigodlike Persona line.....:rolleyes: