Well, life is changing again...

I'm sure Judo already wrote her Tangled Fluorescence. It took her an unprecedented 2 hours and 10 minutes (2 hours and 5 minutes to decide on the title, of course...)
daughter said:

Good luck. Don't cry too much. Hell, instead of doing something else when you need to the edge off, and you'll have that need in a new gig, stop and play here.

Even when folks move on, you keep close with those you love. I know that's true. And for those times when you just can't make it, your friends remain true.

I don't know about others, but I have had friends that life took in very different directions, yet when we saw each other again, the love was strong. Love doesn't dissipate just because new challenges and paths come our way.

Life is about cycles. You have a strong affinity for water. You know these things. The tide always comes back in.

Wish you well!



You are such a doll. When I grow up, I want to be more like daughter.

Peace, my sister.
- Judo
Angeline said:
I'll see an inspiring thread that will make me write something. I'm terribly afraid of losing my, eh... Touch.

Oh please. . . as if! And you are NOT allowed to go without posting a tangled florescence (or however it's spelled) poem.


Lauren's right, it's written (and has been for several days). But this time, I'm having difficulty. I'm second-guessing my instinct and trying to improve the poem with editing -- dangerous proposition, I can assure you.

So, like many of you, I've actually been pickin' at it, moving a word, deleting stanzas, trying to make sure the clear picture in my head is coming across.

It's almost like work.

I think I prefer to write a hundred pretty good poems and manage to hack one that's very good among them than all this second-thinking.

Ah, well... Back to pickin'.

- Judo