Welp, one Republican Congressman goes to prison. One down...

spagester said:
Bullshit. Maybe you can compare clinton to bush. Not to Reagan though. Reagan had more greatness in a pimple on his ass than clinton ever will have.

He sure did...they named an entire Federal Deficit after him!

Ronald Reagan - He Taught America To Spend Without Consequence (Let The Kids Pick Up The Bill)
spagester said:
First you started with corrupts Reps. Then you went to a single Liberitatian busted for underage sex.
You're an idiot. I was referring to Lost Cause and his bragging about fucking a 17 year old girl when he was in his 30s. My original topic does not need defending because it is true. Republicans are fucked up corrupt and it was you brain dead glue sniffing retards who started saying "well the Democrats are, too".

So what if I brought up convicted Republican pedophiles? It's relevant. Deal with it. Even without the pedophiles the Repigs are still the most corrupt assholes in the country right now. RIGHT NOW, not 10 years ago. Get with the times.

You have no argument. The Republicans are hella corrupt as fuck, and that is how this discussion goes. Got that, bitch? Now shut the fuck up. I'm tired of playing with your grade school dropout ass or that pathetic shit sack of a case you're trying so hard to support.
RobDownSouth said:
He sure did...they named an entire Federal Deficit after him!

Ronald Reagan - He Taught America To Spend Without Consequence (Let The Kids Pick Up The Bill)

LOL, and don't forget Iran-Contra! :D
How long will we have to wait before Spagester comes back and claims Clinton did worse for the deficit than Reagan, or that Whitewater was worse than Iran Contra? :D :p

Place your bets, everyone!
And lets not forget the entire Kennedy family raping and killing American women. All you have done with this thread is illustrate why neither major party should be in control of our country. They are both so iintoxicated with power and influence that they no longer have the moral authority to run this nation. And sorry citizens on both sides keep making excuses for them instead of throwing them all out. You're more fucking worried about proving your point than you are with seeing the whole truth. You are part of the problem and your narrow minded veiws will never let you be part of the solution.

LovingTongue said:

LOL, and don't forget Iran-Contra! :D
There you go again with your anal vision. At least Reagan did what he did for the country while Clinton just wanted to line his own pockets. And as I recall it was the Dem congress who wrote the budget while Reagan was in office.

LovingTongue said:
How long will we have to wait before Spagester comes back and claims Clinton did worse for the deficit than Reagan, or that Whitewater was worse than Iran Contra? :D :p

Place your bets, everyone!
spagester said:
And lets not forget the entire Kennedy family raping and killing American women.
There you go again, going off topic. This thread is about a Republican going to prison. You're so hell bent upon proving that Democrats aren't perfect ... why didn't you make these *ahem* salient *cough* points at Cunningham's sentencing hearing? He could have used your help LOL!!!

As for killing and raping, let's not bring up what the Republicans have wrought in Iraq...
spagester said:
There you go again with your anal vision. At least Reagan did what he did for the country while Clinton just wanted to line his own pockets. And as I recall it was the Dem congress who wrote the budget while Reagan was in office.
14 minutes. I guess the Fox News website was down for a while...
Read with an open mind and you'll see that that I've said both parties suck and need to replaced. I personally feel that that cunningham should have been tried for treason and hung. I feel the same about W. He is a disgrace. Just like the rest of the scum we've all mentioned.

LovingTongue said:
There you go again, going off topic. This thread is about a Republican going to prison. You're so hell bent upon proving that Democrats aren't perfect ... why didn't you make these *ahem* salient *cough* points at Cunningham's sentencing hearing? He could have used your help LOL!!!

As for killing and raping, let's not bring up what the Republicans have wrought in Iraq...
gimme a break fucker I'm packing and have to catch a plane in an hour. Why don't you do something worthwhile and write some good erotica, instead of delving in areas where your mind's to clouded to do good.

LovingTongue said:
14 minutes. I guess the Fox News website was down for a while...
Cunninham Bribery Scandal

I just saw this story on the web this morning, (sat.), and wondered, how the heck can this be used as a springboard to wake up the rest of the country as to the constant fucking the politicians are dealing to us, WE THE PEOPLE?

Then I see this forum and think, ALRIGHT, a public discussion about it, now we're getting somewhere! Then I see that it has turned into an attack on people's likes, views etc. People please-------this is just what the pols like, us tearing into one another while they tear into our pocketbooks. Much like the 70's movie "Network", they KNOW that we feel "helpless" and are content to stay our meek little selves so long as we have our radial tires and our television and able to "lock ourselves in" at night.

Bribery, scandal & corruption know NO party lines. Whether it's the Kennedys, Nixon, Clinton, Bush or WHOEVER in between, NONE have really been for WE THE PEOPLE. I would hope this forum can continue without the bickering and in-fighting and a REAL DISCUSSION as to how we can use the power of the internet to seek out a politician that would have OUR best interests at heart come next Presidential election time.

There are some good politicians out there. They are just not in the "light" because the greedy ones have their lobbyists and PAC committees in full swing already. As of the moment, I can only think of one personally that I admire, and that is Christopher Shays (CT).

Please, all of you here, put down your weapons and come up with a list of pols that YOU think would not be seeking office for their own personal gain. John McCain (AZ) may be another choice. Y'all please...........the future of this country. The country that your grandkids will inherit, depend on OUR actions.

WE THE PEOPLE have the power to get rid of the corruption and the greed. If we will just get off our butts and let the no-gooders know..............."I'm mad as hell and ain't gonna take it anymore!" (again-quote from "Network"). That's my 2 cents. (and I'm sure that's all it's worth but I had to try). tx.
spagester said:
Read with an open mind and you'll see that that I've said both parties suck and need to replaced. I personally feel that that cunningham should have been tried for treason and hung. I feel the same about W. He is a disgrace. Just like the rest of the scum we've all mentioned.
Then make another thread about it. This one is about a Republican going to jail. Tell me about Democrat fuckups after they jack up our debt by 6 trillion dollars, hit us with Iran Contra, kill 2000 troops based on a lie and waste $300 billion of our tax dollars on a Welfare-for-Iraq level foreign charity drive. 'Till then? You're doing nothing but blowing smoke.
Amen, Brother Tex

[QUOTE='Ol Tex]I just saw this story on the web this morning, (sat.), and wondered, how the heck can this be used as a springboard to wake up the rest of the country as to the constant fucking the politicians are dealing to us, WE THE PEOPLE?

Then I see this forum and think, ALRIGHT, a public discussion about it, now we're getting somewhere! Then I see that it has turned into an attack on people's likes, views etc. People please-------this is just what the pols like, us tearing into one another while they tear into our pocketbooks. Much like the 70's movie "Network", they KNOW that we feel "helpless" and are content to stay our meek little selves so long as we have our radial tires and our television and able to "lock ourselves in" at night.

Bribery, scandal & corruption know NO party lines. Whether it's the Kennedys, Nixon, Clinton, Bush or WHOEVER in between, NONE have really been for WE THE PEOPLE. I would hope this forum can continue without the bickering and in-fighting and a REAL DISCUSSION as to how we can use the power of the internet to seek out a politician that would have OUR best interests at heart come next Presidential election time.

There are some good politicians out there. They are just not in the "light" because the greedy ones have their lobbyists and PAC committees in full swing already. As of the moment, I can only think of one personally that I admire, and that is Christopher Shays (CT).

Please, all of you here, put down your weapons and come up with a list of pols that YOU think would not be seeking office for their own personal gain. John McCain (AZ) may be another choice. Y'all please...........the future of this country. The country that your grandkids will inherit, depend on OUR actions.

WE THE PEOPLE have the power to get rid of the corruption and the greed. If we will just get off our butts and let the no-gooders know..............."I'm mad as hell and ain't gonna take it anymore!" (again-quote from "Network"). That's my 2 cents. (and I'm sure that's all it's worth but I had to try). tx.[/QUOTE]
Thank You, Spagester For The "Amen"-

You may have already left for your flight but I appreciate that you took time for the "amen". (I guess I did sound a bit the preacher huh)? But I am neither preacher (nor devil), but just one who has seen the gradual degradation of this great country through sloth, greed and avarice............and vanity and the lust for POWER. I was ten when you were born so you were still too young to comprehend the assassination of John Kennedy. I was 17 and into girls and cars but.................from that date on, I have been ever suspicious of what is reported by the government.

I lived in Dallas so I was able to hear what many said about that event. I also remember the "many tales", (and Texas laughs of course), of how Lyndon Johnson rose through the ranks to become Senate Majority Leader and then, after failing a bid for the presidency himself, accepted the # 2 spot on the ticket.

So "power" and "dirty politics" and "greed" did not just spring up in the 70's, 80's & 90's. No, they have ALWAYS been around. Maybe in lesser degrees, but they have been there. I propose no conspiracy theories here but there is NO WAY Lee Harvey Oswald pulled off the crime of the century. But since then, certain leaders in government have ruled the roost with their own style of politics. The style of, "I;m gonna get mine and to hell with everybody else!"

Look, all I'm saying is there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY to the people anymore! You want "bridges to nowhere in Alaska?" No problem, here's 5 million, (or whatever it was). By the way, that pork project HAS been derailed but guess what? Alaska, through Federal Law, gets to keep the appropiated money for other projects which, get this, CAN include bridges!

On the outside it looked (to the taxpayers), that "WE" had won. But in reality, it's business as usual. Not one dime was retuned to the Federal coffers. People this hemorrhaging of taxpayer money has got to stop!! True, I am closer to retiring than most of you here but................y'all will be too, 25-30 years from now and what will be there for you?

If we could just get some politicians to be as prudent with OUR money as they are theirs MAYBE we could get decent health care not just for the old but for ALL. MAYBE instead of $700.00 hammers they could buy en mass from Home Depot and put the difference in Social Security. The government has TREMENDOUS purchasing power. So long as it is not used on contracts to family & friends etc. resulting in new millionaires overnight.

Y'all can reach MANY here with this forum. Please use it to the good and not for petty bickering. I used to work with a guy who served more than one stint in county lock-ups....................for being a pick-pocket. He told me one time that he LOVED it when two people would get into an argument. He went on to say that, people would stop and see if there would be a fight. As the crowd gathered, he would "migle around" and leave with most of their wallets. We MUST demand honesty in government. Without it we are doomed.

America's reign has been a good and glorious one! Paid for at Gettysburg, Atlanta, The Rhineland, Normandy, Midway, 38th Paralell and Danang. And of course, now Iraq. Let us not squander that precious blood, spilled so you and I can even HAVE this debate, so a few power-hungry elitists can hold court over us "poor slobs". This is OUR government. We elected them as "caretakers". Seems to me thay have only been taking care of theirselves. (now I am up to 3 cents). tx.
vetteman said:
Don't for get Rottenkowski, Jim Wright, and Mel Reynolds.
You and spagester are going off topic again. Why must you try and take away from the Republican Party's crimes - which start with Iran Contra and hardly come even close to ending with Cunningham - by screaming "The Democrats did it!"

None of the Democrat scandals will ever beat Iran-Contra.
vetteman said:
That's what you think LT. That's why you have no credibility with me,
But nothing I've said is in error, so my credibility is spotless, independent of what that tiny piece of dung bouncing around in your skull purports to "think".

you simply don't have the experience, or a practical education in life.
Yes I do. Cunningam is going to prison, and unlike you I have enough education in life to know that he is a fucking jailbird now.

You only know what you read in the papers.
Your problem is you cannot read the papers. Your grandpappy told you Cunningham is not going to jail and that's what you will believe until the day you die.

You are motivated by a single outcome in the investigation of any issue, That your point of view has supremacy in the end, and that end justifies any means. you should study more, and shake your fear of being wrong.
I'm completely right here.

"Duke" Cunningham is going to jail.

You are the one who is living in denial.

Cunningham is going to jail

and there is


that you can do to deny it or stop it.