What’s the best way to avoid marks and/or bruise?

Never said:
Are some devices better for avoiding mark and bruises?
Is there anything you can do before, during, or after to reduce their visibility?
Are some body parts more likely to mark than others are?

Can most people tell when something ‘feels’ like it’s going to leave a mark?

I personally don't mind marks or try to avoid them much, and since I do play rather heavily most of the time, I tend to go home quite marked up. My bottom is a lot tougher than my breasts as I don't tend to get as much attention there as on my poor butt.

Implements that leave the longests lasting/nastiest marks on me are canes, razor strops (or any heavy leather) and single tail whips. Paddles don't really bruise me much, but do leave a very "leather butt" look and feel for a few days. I've never marked from a flogger.

My cane marks last 4-6 weeks sometimes, although the initial puffy swelling goes down in a day. I use arnica gel on cane marks and bruises, and take arnica pills the day before I play if I remember. It helps the bruising go away much faster in my experience. I also apply lotion faithfully, Eucerin is a good one for promoting healing.
Has anyone mentioned the wet-rag technique yet?

Before you hit, wet a small towel and place it over the area you intend to whack. Yeah the sub will squeal from the cold and dampness, but it makes bruising much less likely. This is a very old dom's trick...and it works like a charm, unless the person you're with is super bruiseable (people vary widely in this).

For skin abrasions and scrapes, apply silver sulfadiazine cream after cleaning and disinfecting the wound. This substance is usually prescribed for burns, and in fact works wonders with them, too. Takes away the pain immediately. But it's got remarkable skin-rejuvination effects, too: it's great for bloody welts that you don't want your doctor (or spouse) seeing. I always keep a huge jar of this stuff around my house at all times. Not because I like to clear up my marks with it (I don't--I barely mark as it is) but because I am a super klutz and it's also good for itching and all kinds of random things like bedsores, rashes, bad razor burns, etc.

Although this is a prescription substance it's extremely easy to get. If you have a good relationship with your personal physician, just call the office and tell them you burned your hand or arm terribly while cooking. Tell them you've heard that this cream works wonders and ask them to call it in to your local drugstore asap.

Gratuitious sex pic follows:
I'm cursed...I have an allergy no one's ever been able to diagnose. I've been plagued by hives since I was about 14. Zyrtec controls that, but I'm still left with a condition called dermographia, literally "skin writing". What it means is that pressure, scratching, etc that wouldn't mark most people, or would mark them and fade easily, will turn my skin screaming red and the marks will last for hours. On my right wrist right now, as a matter of fact, is a rope mark from a session 5 hours ago. It's not a burn, just simply a mark from the pressure of the rope. So we have to be EXTRA careful that I'm not going anywhere where marks will be questioned for at least 12 hours, just to be safe, before we do anything that will leave a visible mark.

And as for marks, visible or non-visible, I LOVE them. It reminds me of our play and helps keep the mood going until the next time. It also makes me feel more "posessed" by Him if I have His marks on my body.
I knew this would come in handy...one day

I learned this trick when I worked with small children......even then they know what feels good.......

For visible bite marks in particular, for some reason rubbing the area as soon as possible with Desitin seems to help prevent bruisng. I usually dress his wounds with it and apply alot of pressure while I rub it in....even if the bruise does not go away completely it helps to make it less obvious that it is a bite. ;)
Cirrus said:
I'm cursed...I have an allergy no one's ever been able to diagnose. I've been plagued by hives since I was about 14. Zyrtec controls that, but I'm still left with a condition called dermographia, literally "skin writing".

That's pretty cool! It means that when it's "safe" for you to have marks, your partner could write "HI JON!" with his fingernail on your bottom, say, and then snap a pic, and then send it off to his friend Jon! Most of us only get our skin writing through magic markers or cake frosting.

Girl with cake-frosting writing attached:

Hmm, as a sufferer of the "irish coloring" I bruise, scratch, scrape, and bleed very easily. I have found that cooling the skin (either after play or as a part of) and then warming the entire body leaves the least marks. We use chilled chamomile lotion (which I make..but you could probably buy something like it) spread evenly and then worked in, followed by a ginger oil bath.

The cooling helps slow the movement of ruptured blood cells to the surface of the skin and allows time for the body to naturally whisk them away...then warming the skin moves the blood and those cells away to be purged.

just my 2 cents tho

Keep your circulation system in top condition. Stretching regularly, not just when playing, is a good idea.
Distilled Witch Hazel available over the counter or off the shelf from a chemist helps with the sting and can, for some people, help reduce the bruising.
I read in the Farmer's Almanac today that raw steaks will reduce bruising. Slap a couple of sirloins on her ass cheeks, and then in an hour start the grill. :)