What Am I?

Re: Groan

flyguy69 said:
glad it made you knicker
I did knicker, until I was all sweaty and panty.

Now it's YOUR turn to write a What Am I? Make it difficult and briefs.
Re: Re: Groan

WickedEve said:
I did knicker, until I was all sweaty and panty....
I can tell; your av dropped her drawers :D

You'll find me firm
of body, wooden
in demeanor. I may depress
you with my antics
but you want me
when you're feeling down.

Open for me, my weak-kneed
darling; my medicine
will make you gag.

What am I?
Re: Re: Re: Groan

flyguy69 said:
I can tell; your av dropped her drawers :D

You'll find me firm
of body, wooden
in demeanor. I may depress
you with my antics
but you want me
when you're feeling down.

Open for me, my weak-kneed
darling; my medicine
will make you gag.

What am I?

Tongue depressor or dildo. I want to go with dildo even though I think it's a tongue depressor... maybe.
Are you still thinking, Roxy?

Maybe if you took off more clothes... :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Groan

WickedEve said:
Tongue depressor or dildo. I want to go with dildo even though I think it's a tongue depressor... maybe.
What the hell kind of doctor do you go to? An nycdoctor, perhaps!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Groan

flyguy69 said:
What the hell kind of doctor do you go to? An nycdoctor, perhaps!
Slipped over thrusting digits
while slathered in lubricating goo
In and out and round about
I'm glad he's not a proctologist.
Lord knows where I'd find myself.

What am I?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Groan

champagne1982 said:
Slipped over thrusting digits
while slathered in lubricating goo
In and out and round about
I'm glad he's not a proctologist.
Lord knows where I'd find myself.

What am I?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Groan

champagne1982 said:
LOL! It comes out your ass??
No, just smells that way!

I actually cough them up like hairballs. Leave them scattered around the house and disavow any knowledge when confronted about them later. Poem? What's a poem?
God, I'm hard,
so fucking hard for you.
I've got no time
for warm thoughts
or sunny bedrooms, I want
you here, under the eave,
under the blanket
of darkness
where I grow long for you.

Run your fingers
along my thick length, feel
my ridged shaft, catch
the glistening drip
at my tip
on your tongue.

What am I?
flyguy69 said:
God, I'm hard,
so fucking hard for you.
I've got no time
for warm thoughts
or sunny bedrooms, I want
you here, under the eave,
under the blanket
of darkness
where I grow long for you.

Run your fingers
along my thick length, feel
my ridged shaft, catch
the glistening drip
at my tip
on your tongue.

What am I?

my second thought is a garden hose
Honey123 said:
my second thought is a garden hose

Long and plastic lies
waiting to wet
(in a better season)
the bed from which new life

For now empty and coiled.
In heat, spread carelessly.
A summer of fun
muscle memory in the fall.
champagne1982 said:
Long and plastic lies
waiting to wet
(in a better season)
the bed from which new life

For now empty and coiled.
In heat, spread carelessly.
A summer of fun
muscle memory in the fall.
A condom? No, wait...
Did you know...

Your AV is a pic of a coupla fudge packers... :eek: outta the closet? :p
Re: Did you know...

champagne1982 said:
Your AV is a pic of a coupla fudge packers... :eek: outta the closet? :p
Seasonal work. Can I pack you a gift box?
Clever threads should never die!

Whip and stretch me thin,
make me hiss in heat. Slide beneath
and flip me backside

Be gentle, lover; prepare me
with butter before you plunge
your tool in, say you love me
before you squirt your sweet fluid
on my tanned and upturned face.

What am I?
flyguy69 said:
Whip and stretch me thin,
make me hiss in heat. Slide beneath
and flip me backside

Be gentle, lover; prepare me
with butter before you plunge
your tool in, say you love me
before you squirt your sweet fluid
on my tanned and upturned face.

What am I?
pancake. a really sexy pancake?
flyguy69 said:
Maybe I'll give you the Aunt Jemimah treatment :D
Will I be buttered? (this could get messy.)

Okay, I'm going to try to come up with a poem. Oh, I know. No. I shouldn't use that... :devil: I'll work on it. lol
we are a multitude, green
but not naive.
there are no leaves,
no grass, only
bread in the palm.