What are the smuttiest, most erotic non-"romance" books you've read?

2 of my favorite books that I read over and over, back in the 60s were "the Flea" and "The Pearl"
both were very erotic novels.
keep[ this treadGOING

Morning all, let keep this tread going,,,,,,,,, just listened to Pleasure by Eric Jerome Dickey. Fond it in my library on cd. not a bad book story wise, but the good thing was it had sex on every few pages, and to listen to it was awesome!!!
Hmm lets see I have the JR Ward series in my library, I keep rereading Rhage's story over and over. The Kushiel's series is top of my list...some of the newer ones I'm reading is Nalini Singh's Psy/Changling and Hunter Guild series, and Lora Leigh's Breeds series.
All of these are in the sci-fi/fantasy/romance genre.
The Fermata by Nicholson Baker

Pure filth on almost every page, but it's respectable literature too. He's a good, literary writer.

That's a very pervy book. It's about the objectification of women, but told from such a harmless nice-guy stance that makes it all the creepier.
When I saw this thread I immediately thought of Maia, but didn't know too many people had heard of it. I know it was out of print for awhile.
I read it probably in the late '90's but certainly remember the erotic aspect of it, but it's been so long ago I can't recall much in the way of details. I do remember enjoying it, though--and obviously, as the author of Watership Down, he knew his craft.

Richard Adams also wrote "The Girl in the Swing" - pretty hot.
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Me too!

I read Richard Adams "Girl in a Swing" and Ken Follett "Pillars of Earth". They're good. My favourite book was by Caroline Slaughter "Columba". It was dark with a touch of mystery associated with loss and personal rehabillitation. I identified with it like I had never identified with a book before or since. I loved the language of it and the story blew me away.
Don't recall if someone already mentioned this...

But "The Romance of Lust" always got my motor running. It's sort of the Victorian-age A.S.S.M.; probably written by one author and edited by another, it apparently prompted the creation of the word "pornotopia".

Project Gutenberg has a version.
"The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty"... or the trilogy, that is, by Anne Rice (Roquelaure)
I think I was about 18 when I first read it.. was one crazy eye opener.. lots of fun ideas, though :)
Memoirs of an Invis1ble Man by H. F. Saint

It was made into a awful movie, but there are several sex scenes that really get me going.
"How I adore you"? It's just a series of well written erotic stories. I'm not sure what you'd classify as non-romance, there are plenty of erotic anthologies but I don't know of too many super smutty full on novels that are the most anything. Get the History Channel on it, that show the Most will have the Most smutty novel ever written.
The Gor books get repetitive. It's all pretty much one note, but if that's what you are into...

Anais Nin is wonderful.

I have a memory that Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's vampire books were pretty good. In order for the vampires to fully feed, their victims need to be aroused to the point of orgasm.

Um, I read The Brass Bed about a selfish guy who is cursed to 'haunt' the bed until he could fulfill 100 women. There are three books in the series but the firts was best. I thought the author had a great idea, but could have done so much more.

There's another by Anne Rise, The Castrati? It's about a castrati, so if you like reading man-on-man, I found that very erotic.

There's the classics: Story of O, Emannuelle...

that's all for now off the top of my head.
Some of the most explicit sex scenes I've come across are in Richard Morgan's books - Altered Carbon, Fallen Angels, Woken Furies, and if you don't mind gay scenes, The Steel Remains. There's not tons of sex, but what there is is pretty hot.

The rest of the books fall into the cyberpunk, noir sci-fi genre. Apart from The Steel Remains, which is gritty fantasy.

Apart from that, some of Wilbur Smith's stuff, if you like historical fiction.
Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk...pegging, sounding...good stuff.

Agreed, and a highly entertaining read. Choke's got some interesting stuff going on too.

I've just re-read American Psycho, and am always fascinated and slightly impressed by the way Easton-Ellis writes Patrick's sex scenes with the same detachment as the torture/murder...there's no connection, no emotion. A lengthy threesome scene in particular plays out like someone writing a detailed porn synopsis. Clinical and odd, weirdly erotic, and completely out of context...