What are you doing right now? (besides online & on Lit.)

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hiding in my bed, staring out the window and waiting for my meds to kick in so I can sleep.
It is 4 am and I am bouncing to Perculator while trying to breathe AND shut my brain off!
Trying to convince myself to get out from under this blanket, get up and go fix myself some coffee. Kinda hard though. The cat's on the back of my chair, purring. It's making me drowsy and unwilling to move.
Waiting for my lotion to soak in
Talking to a friend
Watching a guy rail on about how a certain comic book series is horrible nad mentioning all its faults in deep detail
Getting progressively sleepier
Lazily playing with myself with no real intention of making myself cum tonight
Right now... wishing I had another slice of upturned cheese cake to lick very slowly.
For the first time in nearly a week, I'm just relaxing and not working on anything. I should probably write some posts though.
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