What are you doing right now? (besides online & on Lit.)

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Now watching an episode of Antiques Roadshow. Yes ... I'm hooked on this show!
Sitting here....

That's it.

I'm so fucking tired its unreal. Cant believe my eyes are still open.

I think i'm sleep typing.

I'd rather be doing other things while my brain has checked out.
On an adventure

I'm getting ready to head out on a two week voyage on the pacific coast. Going to miss hanging out on lit.
Trying to fall asleep as departure time tomorrow is super early.
But still can't fall asleep.
I'd be up for chatting if anyone is interested.
Sitting down now finally to hash out a post and a intro to some stories that need to be told.
Just got out of the shower. Not sure if I want to attempt to finishing writing the scene that's been eluding me for two weeks, or call it a night and go to bed.
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