What are you doing right now? (besides online & on Lit.)

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Ah, I love being within a budget. Haha, that sounds so boring of me! Nothing excites me like frugality... heh. How exciting for you! For my cabinetry I just repainted the ones I had but one of these days I'll get new ones. Make sure your deck has lots of nice chairs to lounge around in. Preferably with a tall icy drink of something.

Well, in this case, the new house is a foreclosed property that has no cabinets whatsoever thanks to the previous owners. So I get to start with a blank slate, so to speak.

And oh yes, it wouldn't be Georgia without some sweetea. ;)
Well, in this case, the new house is a foreclosed property that has no cabinets whatsoever thanks to the previous owners. So I get to start with a blank slate, so to speak.

And oh yes, it wouldn't be Georgia without some sweetea. ;)

*laughs* I almost answered that question from TS with just that, sweetea. But I knew you'd say it, Thyri.
Well, in this case, the new house is a foreclosed property that has no cabinets whatsoever thanks to the previous owners. So I get to start with a blank slate, so to speak.

And oh yes, it wouldn't be Georgia without some sweetea. ;)

Yes, absolutely! One thing I've noticed about moving further north is that the ice in tea just isn't as cold here. *sighs*

Now thinking of nice cold beverages, which is totally unfitting for the weather.
Yes, absolutely! One thing I've noticed about moving further north is that the ice in tea just isn't as cold here. *sighs*

Now thinking of nice cold beverages, which is totally unfitting for the weather.

Yeah, hot chocolate is more the order of the day now, although it was 70s here yesterday and today.
Not too bad. Glad to finally be home....sad that I have to go to bed soon....stupid being late stay tomorrow.
Yeah, hot chocolate is more the order of the day now, although it was 70s here yesterday and today.

So jealous. January lasted for-ev-er. I just went outside to grab something from the car and that cured any lingering cravings for something cold. Didn't help with the sunny deck daydreams though. :(

WIDRN: Why do I drink tea when I know it is scalding hot? Why can't I let it cool? Masochism? Tongue now feels like carpet.
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So jealous. January lasted for-ev-er. I just went outside to grab something from the car and that cured any lingering cravings for something cold. Didn't help with the sunny deck daydreams though. :(

LT: Why do I drink tea when I know it is scalding hot? Why can't I let it cool? Masochism? Tongue now feels like carpet.

This made me laugh. I know it isn't funny, but I have experienced that same feeling before, so the description was amusingly perfect!
"The fish tastes like fish."
Well no shit, dear.

*bites his ear and grins*

If you go smart ass back, I'm gonna go kitty mode on you and you won't like it.

*growls at the bite*

Well, there's varying levels of fishy taste, tilapia tends more toward the salty-weird fishy. Maybe I've just been too used to Captain D's and Long John Silver's to know good fish. *shrug*

Go kitty mode on me, dear. I dare you.

*wide grin*
Oooooh he used daaaaare...
Damn it....
*hugs around his shoulders and pulls him to floor, wrapping herself around him.... Before biting his ear again and kicking her feet against his butt*

I r feeeerocious fox kitteh.
I r destwoying you!
*keeps biting, but stops kicking*

blinks at the PGoD and the kitty who resembles a Foxy

Ummm...right now I am at work and preparing for a long, boring night of...nothing.
Oooooh he used daaaaare...
Damn it....
*hugs around his shoulders and pulls him to floor, wrapping herself around him.... Before biting his ear again and kicking her feet against his butt*

I r feeeerocious fox kitteh.
I r destwoying you!
*keeps biting, but stops kicking*


*growls softly at the bite and butt-kicks, but can't help but bust up laughing at her "ferocious fox kitty" impression. He turns her over and tickles mercilessly*

Well luckily I know your one weakness!
Just got rid of the friend that visited so now I am relaxing and watching Dave Chappelle.
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