What are you doing?

Eating a brownie while drinking a cherry zero, playing words with friends, online slots and perusing lit.
Scrolling through Lit and Fetlife as I lay on the couch trying to get the motivation to move to my bed.
Multi tasking, browsing Lit, drinking coffee and texting (not sexting) with a lady friend on Skype.
Sitting in an online queue trying to get tickets for one of my favourite musicians... it’s moving very very slowly... :(
Editing some photos then heading out to catch a band playing at 2am. Have to fly the flag...
wife is down stairs, so jumped on lit. will take a nice hot shower and trim up.
Wife and kids out watching a movie with cousins and in laws then a sleepover.

Its been awhile since I've had the house to myself but I guess I'll be on LIT for awhile!