What Are You Reading?

Re: Words of Wisdom

Seakla said:
In the town I used to live in we had a festival every year themed for Old West days. Rex Allen Jr., country-music singer, came and sang one night and the nthe next day he stayed to enjoy the festivities. I sat next to him on a bench and we chatted for a few minutes. I told him I wrote poetry.

He told me "the thing that makes a song or poem great is if you write it from the heart."

Just thought I would share that.

I have been hanging out on other boards but decided that I finally needed to visit the poetry boards. I write poetry too so I will be checking out the posts here and maybe even posting some myself.

tis true
and i hope you will share some of your heart with us all
Hello. Oh look, my first post. I'm such a giggling virgin. Anyway, I am very excited about this site. Soon I'll get my act together and post a story. I did want to let everyone know that my friend and I are starting up an independant magazine at our college called Sex and Violence, kind of an experiment in shocking the normals. He is the violence editor and I'm the sex editor, and we'd love to collect some submissions from anyone who is interested. Basic guidelines are you know, no kids, no animals, but pretty much everything else. If you want we can send you a contributors copy if we publish your work which, lets be honest here, we probably will. The sex and violence sections are meant to be separate, but if they overlap at all that's fine. BDSM is always good reading. Anyway, send the submissions as an attachment via email to whichever editor it applies. Include your address if you want a copy of the mag at some point. Hope to hear from some of you soon!

Sex Editor: kitty6princess@yahoo.com
Violence Editor: yellow_bastard@hotmail.com

p.s. title the subject heading "Sex and Violence submission":kiss:
I'm not sure ^^^^this isn't spam - but any way you'll find more story writers here - we're more your common or garden poets in here.
Tristesse said:
I'm not sure ^^^^this isn't spam - but any way you'll find more story writers here - we're more your common or garden poets in here.

Damn. I was just about to post my poems. I'm always reading them. Obsessively.

Angeline said:
Damn. I was just about to post my poems. I'm always reading them. Obsessively.


Oh - looking at that post now I see she says "submissions" - sorry, Ange. My mistake. Sorry to kitty6princess tas well.

Tristesse said:
Oh - looking at that post now I see she says "submissions" - sorry, Ange. My mistake. Sorry to kitty6princess tas well.


Me too. I should read more carefully before I'm flip. :rolleyes:

And welcome to the poetry board, kitty. Nice to meet you.

my reading experience

I learned that there were five different species of Puffins on the back of the cereal box.
I've been rereading some Frost over the weekend. He knew New England in its seasons.

Good-Bye, And Keep Cold
by Robert Frost

This saying good-bye on the edge of the dark
And cold to an orchard so young in the bark
Reminds me of all that can happen to harm
An orchard away at the end of the farm
All winter, cut off by a hill from the house.
I don't want it girdled by rabbit and mouse,
I don't want it dreamily nibbled for browse
By deer, and I don't want it budded by grouse.
(If certain it wouldn't be idle to call
I'd summon grouse, rabbit, and deer to the wall
And warn them away with a stick for a gun.)
I don't want it stirred by the heat of the sun.
(We made it secure against being, I hope,
By setting it out on a northerly slope.)
No orchard's the worse for the wintriest storm;
But one thing about it, it mustn't get warm.
"How often already you've had to be told,
Keep cold, young orchard. Good-bye and keep cold.
Dread fifty above more than fifty below."
I have to be gone for a season or so.
My business awhile is with different trees,
Less carefully nourished, less fruitful than these,
And such as is done to their wood with an axe--
Maples and birches and tamaracks.
I wish I could promise to lie in the night
And think of an orchard's arboreal plight
When slowly (and nobody comes with a light)
Its heart sinks lower under the sod.
But something has to be left to God.

What Fifty Said
by Robert Frost

When I was young my teachers were the old.
I gave up fire for form till I was cold.
I suffered like a metal being cast.
I went to school to age to learn the past.

Now when I am old my teachers are the young.
What can't be molded must be cracked and sprung.
I strain at lessons fit to start a suture.
I go to school to youth to learn the future.
Wiener Dog Art - A Far Side Collection by Gary Larson... okay, okay. Not really literature here, but it's pretty damn funny and it's a definite classic.

One of my favorites is Cow Poetry

Distant Hills
by some beatnik cow

The distant hills call to me.
Their rolling waves seduce my heart.
Oh, how I want to graze in their lush valleys.
Oh, how I want to run down their slopes.

Alas, I cannot

Damn the electric fence!
Damn the electric fence!

Thank you.
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neonurotic said:
Wiener Dog Art - A Far Side Collection by Gary Larson... okay, okay. Not really literature here, but it's pretty damn funny and it's a definite classic.

One of my favorites is Cow Poetry

Distant Hills
by some beatnik cow

The distant hills call to me.
Their rolling waves seduce my heart.
Oh, how I want to graze in their lush valleys.
Oh, how I want to run down their slopes.

Alas, I cannot

Damn the electric fence!
Damn the electric fence!

Thank you.

Shakespeare's next, right?


Angeline said:
Shakespeare's next, right?


Hey.. The Wiener Dog Art is a break from shorts by Faulkner, Joyce, Kafka, Melville, and Woolf. I need a little silly after that ;)
neonurotic said:
Hey.. The Wiener Dog Art is a break from shorts by Faulkner, Joyce, Kafka, Melville, and Woolf. I need a little silly after that ;)

Sorry. I like the poem. I love Larson. And if it's any consolation, I have a book of cat art/poetry by Kliban that I love. (You know he wrote: "Love them little mousies. Mousies what I loves to eat. Bites their tiny tails off. Nibbles on their tiny feet.)


Angeline said:
Sorry. I like the poem. I love Larson. And if it's any consolation, I have a book of cat art/poetry by Kliban that I love. (You know he wrote: "Love them little mousies. Mousies what I loves to eat. Bites their tiny tails off. Nibbles on their tiny feet.)


Kliban has books? I have a couple of his mugs. :D I'll have to do an Amazon search to find one.

and I must confess, I do have every single Gary Larson book
I just saw this thread and I had gone to the Library tonight so I'll just do a list thingy!And now y'all will know why I'm so scatter brained!

  • Inside The Kingdom-My Life in Saudi Arabia by Carmen bin Ladin
  • Larky Mavis by Brock Cole
  • Meriwether (Lewis) by David Nevin
  • The Probable Future by Alice Hoffman
  • Blackbird House by Alice Hoffman
  • Spiderwick Chronicles-The Ironweed Tree by Tony diTerlizzi and Holly Black
  • The Magic Pot by Patricia Coombs
  • What Happened To Patrick's Dinosaurs by Carol Carrick
  • Mystery Mansion by Michael Garland
  • Billywise by Judith Nicholls

... and of course my wonderful new book from Annaswirls Zen Poetry by Manu!

I rades good... i ciphers too: 1.... X hmmm..

har har

no really, i'm reading:

"Wait Unil Spring Bandini" by John Fante

"Falconer" by John Cheever

and some Corso:


Arms outstretched
hands flat against the windowsides
She looks down
Thinks of Bartok, Van Gogh
And the New Yorker cartoons
She falls

They take her away with a Daily News on her face
And a storekeeper throws hot water on the sidewalk.

:D that's it! If you want more, yer just gonna hafta PM me.

:heart: :eek: :heart: :kiss: :kiss: ;)
Re: I rades good... i ciphers too: 1.... X hmmm..

denis hale said:
har har

no really, i'm reading:

"Wait Unil Spring Bandini" by John Fante

"Falconer" by John Cheever

and some Corso:


Arms outstretched
hands flat against the windowsides
She looks down
Thinks of Bartok, Van Gogh
And the New Yorker cartoons
She falls

They take her away with a Daily News on her face
And a storekeeper throws hot water on the sidewalk.

:D that's it! If you want more, yer just gonna hafta PM me.

:heart: :eek: :heart: :kiss: :kiss: ;)

all right you big tease. you *knew* i'd want to see the rest of this poem! i'm going to write the pm now.
