What Are Your Sexiest Traits?

Physical- Big Breasts, pretty smile, “innocent look”, nice hair

Non Physical- Sense of humor, intelligence, happy hour lucky, sexual eagerness.
That's quite a list!

I don't know, I'd say mine are: can put a good sentence together at *exactly* the right time, plus I'm the right amount of tease. Can't just be giving it away.. ;)

[Oh and I look pretty good through a lens..]
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My tongue.

Now I’m intrigued, Orchidea....how long is it? LOVE a long tongue. My years ago ex who is your twin has a short one. Just another way you are better ;)
Now I’m intrigued, Orchidea....how long is it? LOVE a long tongue. My years ago ex who is your twin has a short one. Just another way you are better ;)
I was trolling. lol
I meant it as in speaking, not the actual tongue, which is "normal".
Sense of humor. Also I don’t want to brag but I have great health insurance ladies.