What are your worst traits? Your best?

Worst traits:
A bit compulsive – which sometimes means that I focus on things that seem to not be the most important.
I think too much – which leads to me occasionally over analyzing things to death. Worrying over things that others would have enough sense to let go of.
A very long memory for details – which sometimes means I have difficulty letting go of hurts – even when I know I need to move on.
I like to do things myself – be self reliant. Which sometimes means I fail to ask for help when it would be wise to do so.
I am rather assertive and am willing to lead both in formal and informal settings. Sometimes this crosses the line to being a touch bossy.
I know my own mind. Which means I can be opinionated. Forceful and passionate in the expression of my beliefs/thoughts – this can be off putting to those who are unsure of themselves or unwilling to argue their own point.
I take myself rather too seriously. I need to learn when to lighten up. I am working on this.
I have a terrible time recalling jokes generally.
I am very hard on myself. I expect the best from myself – really all the time. And I do not cut myself slack. I also am impatient with those who do not seem to have pride in their own work or craftsmanship, or simply do not seem to care enough to try to do better.
I am overly self critical. Where others see beauty, I see rather vague unobjectionable attractiveness. Where others see remarkable competence, I see ordinary skill sets. Where others see unusual talent or giftedness, I see the application of determination and hard work over many many years.
I become infuriated with those who do not take me seriously or who treat me as less than. They may not be aware of this fact, as I will work to outmaneuver them to achieve what I believe are the correct outcome for the greater good in spite of them.
I take things that matter seriously. I am a serious person. This is can be a bit off-putting for those who would rather joke and tease. Sometimes I can’t tell when someone is teasing.
I can be hurt by things that others will brush off as inconsequential.
I believe that words matter. Which means I will take your words to mean what they mean. And I will try to use the word that is as precisely accurate for my intention. I am teased that my vocabulary exceeds most others and this is off-putting or elitist.
I am strong willed, occasionally defiant.
I sometimes appear aloof to others. Which makes some think I am tougher than I actually am. I have a very tough appearing thin veneer, but underneath I am all heart and softness.

Best traits:
I am reasonably smart, love to learn and am curious about all things.
I am competent in many areas and value this. I am constantly trying to master more skills.
I am a loyal and caring person. If I know you well, I will know that something is wrong from across the room and this will matter to me. I won't try to fix you, ever. But I will try to be a sounding board... if you want this. I am sought out for advice. I am known for being able to keep confidences.
In spite of the fact that can be rather serious, I love to laugh and I can be playful and easy going too – especially if I am in a setting I am comfortable in.
I have a rather large vocabulary, however it is never my intention to talk down to others. I like to to be precise when I speak and write.
I am collaborative in my working style. I care about what others think and tend to work for the best outcome for all involved. However - I care more about what is the best outcome for everyone than making sure that no one's feelings get hurt. I tend to listen and carefully craft my response... not in a calculated way; but in a way that will be effective and condenses what has been said already or provides a coherent counterpoint that has not yet been raised.
I am deeply passionate about things. Many things. I am outspoken.
Arguments and proposals will be reasoned. Logical. I do not promulgate things "just because it feels right". If it turns out that my reasoning is faulty because I have lacked facts then...my mind can be changed. I will not dig in my heels when faced with new information ~ in fact, I can turn on a dime when new information changes and upends my original reasoning.
I am analytical and understand how to work to get things done.
I am remarkably persistent and patient.
It takes a lot for me to give up on a cause or on a person once I have decided they are worth my energy.
I am fierce in my love and in my loyalty.
I value closure and good endings. I am straight shooter and will tell you the truth. I find manipulation to be generally unnecessary.
I am generous with my time and my energy and my money to people and causes that matter to me.
I may be able to articulate what I believe, but I do not believe I have the corner on TRUTH. I love intelligent and thoughtful dialogue that forces me to have to more clearly articulate my positions.
I am ridiculously devoted to the bioregion of the country I am privileged to call home.
I am strong willed. Fearless.
I am particularly good at seeing the big picture in my work setting and in things that matter. Thinking and problem solving out of the box.
I am comfortable in my own skin. I like my own company. I pay attention to things that others seem to miss. I can tell you the phase of the moon, the tide cycle and what is blooming just outside.
Once you earn my friendship, people tell me I am as warm and loving a person as they have ever met. And yes... unnervingly passionate...about so many things.
I can be too suspicious of people. I can bog myself down in introspection. I find it very hard to assert myself in a lot of contexts. I forget my own needs too easily.

I am patient and forgiving. I am a good listener and I am fiercely loyal to those I love. I am playful and I am constantly trying to grow personally and nurture my relationships. I love sharing what I learn. Oh, and I am really resilient.
my worst traits are that if left myself i can be lazy and i will put things off as long as i can. i think my submissive nature can be a bad trait. Before i met my Domina i was unable to say no and being very slutty. Though i never express it i am a little opinionated towards other subs/slaves at how they act.

my better traits are that i really try to by the best i can be with what my Domina expects from me, that i am very slutty and can't say no. i have a lot of empathy for those who have a hard time with life especially since i have it so well.
Best Traits
When I love I love hard
I'm very friendly
I will help anyone ( when asked)
I'm kind
I have a very good sense of humour ( I can crack a joke about anything)
I'm passionate about things..

When I love I love hard
I wear my heart on my sleeve
I have the worst self confidence/ and about the way I look
I'm neurotic
I love being on my own, hate crowds of people..
I'm very impatient, I like things done fast, straight away..
I'm too sensitive
Hate getting things wrong, there for I'm hard on myself..
I'm too trusting ( hence like being on my own a lot cant get fucked over then)

G x
Edit No. 5 trillion.

Worst traits:
I'm pretty much incapable of making friends. I know people but I spend no time with them, don't take any initiative to interact with them and they don't hold any special significance. Not through some obnoxious personality trait of mine but just because I can't seem to form the required emotional bonds.
I have no sense of sentimentality.
I'm perpetually and thoroughly lazy.
I'm entirely lacking in any self confidence.
I have yet to find one thing I'm not excessively paranoid about. It sounds cliche but even if I'm in my own house I feel like there's a hidden camera somewhere.
I'm not narcissistic but not exactly considerate either.
I have no particular skills or fortes and generally perform to a substandard degree at everything.
I'm very unimaginative and poor at explaining things.
I'm bored with existing and can't help but see every event from a cynical perspective.
I'm very aloof, and that translates to my actions too. I'm just a generally very boring person.
I've been told throughout my life that I speak in an odd manner and I know it's rubbed off here a little, but I can't help it. It's the result of a combination of compulsive full pronunciation of syllables and just not being able to string a sentence together properly. It makes being verbally understood difficult.
And I have an extremely dark sense of humour. So dark that it puts people off and apparently isn't considered humour.
I have absolutely no willpower to do anything nor any ambitions.

Good(?) traits:
I can type >60 words a minute with the keyboard covered from my eyes if I really try.

I think you have more good traits than you have listed, well I am stretching the word "listed" a bit here. Come oooonnn I know you have some goodies in there some where.... Please tell us.......

Hot temper.
Very LOUD.
Curses. A lot.
Will correct your grammar and spelling.
Did I mention I blurt?


Tender hearted.
Tries to follow the Golden Rule.
Not judgey much.
Reads books.
Quick temper, but looks to forgive.
Has a great rack.;)
Worst traits:
1. I am critical of myself and others.
2. I can be very cold-hearted towards people I feel deserve it.
3. I deflect using humor instead of emotion...then I eventually explode.
4. I am inpatient.
5. I am flaky at responding or making plans sometimes.

Best traits:
1. I'm witty.
2. When it comes to children and animals, I am a complete sucker.
3. When I give my word, I mean it.
4. I am good at forming my own opinions and not being led by others'.
5. I'm independent - which some might see as a bad trait.
Worst Traits:

1. I have a temper. I struggle every day with it.
2. I can seem aloof and intimidating to people, particularly men.
3. I find it difficult to open up my heart, even to those that deserve my love.
4. I can count on one hand the people I hate. I've tried to forgive but I can't, and it burns white hot inside me sometimes.
5. If things aren't clear, I will automatically internalize it to the worst possible outcome.

Best Traits:

1. I am open minded and always willing to listen to an opinion, and respect it even if it's not my opinion.
2. I'm responsible and level-headed.
3. I have a positive outlook and always look "on the bright side".
4. I give compliments generously because if I can put a smile on someone else's face, if just for a fleeting moment, it was worth the time I spent.
5. I have the ability to cut through the bullshit and find the best solution to a problem quickly.
I think you have more good traits than you have listed, well I am stretching the word "listed" a bit here. Come oooonnn I know you have some goodies in there some where.... Please tell us.......

I really can't think of anything.
I can make paper birds?

That's beautiful! If I could do that I'd cover a ceiling with them, hung at different heights and all different sizes!

Without even thinking very hard or long:

What about that you are funny?
When you care to be you can be sweet?
You can take an interest in people.
You are creative and use words beautifully often.
You care to present yourself well

Let's add whip smart and spot on.
You're on You 9.3.1 and you've learned a thing or several about yourself during your earth-time. Maybe you've grown or maybe not, but there are some tendencies that stay in your emotional-Netflix-queue for years, for good or ill. They're baked in or you just haven't called that exterminator yet.

What do you think are your worst traits?

And then, to end on a better note, what do you consider your best qualities?

Do you promise to not delete your initial post if I decide to submit a reply ? :rolleyes:

There you go, you have your trait..
That's beautiful! If I could do that I'd cover a ceiling with them, hung at different heights and all different sizes!

Without even thinking very hard or long:

What about that you are funny?
My face.
People metaphorically burst out in laughter as soon as they see it.
When you care to be you can be sweet?
If I ever try to be sweet I'll find out and report back.
You can take an interest in people.
I'm too obviously uninterested in people for them to consider talking to me.
You are creative and use words beautifully often.
If I were taking art lessons from Michelangelo and English lessons from Shakespeare for a year I would probably end up being able to draw rudimentarily better stickmen than I can now and might be able to write just a bit of a better book than an ape on cocaine.
You care to present yourself well

I just had a thought about another negative trait.
Maybe I'm too self critical?
I'm an attention whore. I crave kind words from others to make me feel better about myself.
I need instant gratification.
I have 2 speeds, not at all, or all at once. (I guess this can be a good thing too?)
When bored I become lonely, depressed, destructive.
I'm the procrastination queen.
I'm insecure about pretty much everything about myself.
When hot I'm the grumpiest bitch you will ever know.
I'm indecisive and very wishy washy.
I don't like being pressured to do something I don't want to do. I become the biggest obstinate ass about whatever it was you wanted me to do.

I'm fiercely loyal, to my love, my friends, and my family.
I work extremely well under time constraints.
I'm protective of those I care about. Abuse me all you like, abuse someone I love be ready for fire and brimstone.
I consider myself intelligent.
I don't judge anyone for anything. Might not be my cup of tea, but you go do you.
I'm a wonderful mother. Some days are worse than others, but we always all survive. That's an A+ in my book.

That's all I got right now...