What Counts as Big?

I'm a big girl, in both maturity (I hope ;) ) and when it comes to clothing...but I don't think I'd ever label my thread in that way...I see myself as not entirely repulsive, kinda fun and not too bad when it comes to taking pictures of myself...but I let the visitors to my thread make up their own minds about that :)

Don't know why...I guess, the pictures I post are representative of something
inside...something I wanted to express at that particular moment...or they're expressing something someone has requested to see...whether I was a size 6 or a size 36 shouldn't make any difference to the content of such shots... :D

I'll never be stick-insect thin, but neither would I want to be...although I am shrinking all the time... :eek:

I'd rather people look at my pictures and make their minds up freely as to whether they like them and why than immediately put some people off or purposefully inviting others by putting the BBW label anywhere near them...

I dunno maybe I just don't like the term, guess I'm not a fan of labels... ;)
Perhaps it should be FFLs...fuller figured ladies... or CCCs....cute curvy chicks...I guess that's a debate for another thread :D

:kiss: :rose: :kiss:
If you go by the advertising, you have to be a skeleton to be in style. Personally I prefer meat on the bones... ;)
Britwitch said:
Perhaps it should be FFLs...fuller figured ladies... or CCCs....cute curvy chicks...I guess that's a debate for another thread :D
I could see those being additional labels, which would be handy for the size 12 or 14 women who still label themselves bbws (which I think is silly, but the fashion department does seem to think that those are plus size), but those 2 don't represent me, so I'd still use bbw cause I'm not curvy, I wouldn't call myself full-figured, but I am big. *shrug*
monique1971 said:
Probably because an exorcism won't help anyone lose weight. I think you need exercise for that.

I dont know...an average sized demons gotta way at least 150lbs
Lorali82 said:
Don't you know that the average demon of possession weighs 5 to 7 pounds?

oops..you beat me to the punch...I guess this is a good example of read the entire damn thread before you post :D

mea culpa