What do Y/you call the marks left behind?

Re: Morning princess

apet4you said:
not sure what if anything my owner calls em...but i call em "Blushes" as it seems that the only time i get them is when i have mis behaved...*blushing furiously*

Been a naughty sub have you? Tsk, Tsk.

Re: Morning princess

apet4you said:
not sure what if anything my owner calls em...but i call em "Blushes" as it seems that the only time i get them is when i have mis behaved...*blushing furiously*

Morning apet.... how was the bubble bath? Were you ready by time He got home?

my "honors" are just about gone (from last Sunday), but since i am on punishment until April 30th, i am sure there will be a new batch real soon....:D
Re: Re: Morning princess

sub princess said:
Morning apet.... how was the bubble bath? Were you ready by time He got home?

my "honors" are just about gone (from last Sunday), but since i am on punishment until April 30th, i am sure there will be a new batch real soon....:D

yes princess...iwas clean and naked when he strolled in...i think he may have been shocked that i listened for once!!!!! OHHH bad princess...what did you do to get in trouble for that long!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Morning princess

apet4you said:
yes princess...iwas clean and naked when he strolled in...i think he may have been shocked that i listened for once!!!!! OHHH bad princess...what did you do to get in trouble for that long!!!!

Well... at a time that i was feeling a little uncertain of where i belonged in O/our relationship, i erased (basically ruined) the Yahoo group that He had made for U/us. i deleted files and photos..... and :eek: asked to be released. It was a bad, bad thing, the worst thing that any of His slaves have done to date... (i set a precedence)... but that was a month ago, and things are much better now.:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Morning princess

sub princess said:
Well... at a time that i was feeling a little uncertain of where i belonged in O/our relationship, i erased (basically ruined) the Yahoo group that He had made for U/us. i deleted files and photos..... and :eek: asked to be released. It was a bad, bad thing, the worst thing that any of His slaves have done to date... (i set a precedence)... but that was a month ago, and things are much better now.:D

DAMN!!! even i, on my worst "i hate master" days would never do that...Owner sez...he is shocked that you are even allowed to be near a computer, much less on one...he sez you must have an extremely tolerant master.... I say...bad princess, bad...but the markings would have felt quite good...though the message behind them would have hurt me worse i believe...but glad you got it all figured out now....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Morning princess

apet4you said:
DAMN!!! even i, on my worst "i hate master" days would never do that...Owner sez...he is shocked that you are even allowed to be near a computer, much less on one...he sez you must have an extremely tolerant master.... I say...bad princess, bad...but the markings would have felt quite good...though the message behind them would have hurt me worse i believe...but glad you got it all figured out now....

Master is a very tolerant Man, firm but fair. He makes it a practice to forgive His girls immediately, but to punish accordingly.

Ironically, and rightfully so, i hated the punishment on Sunday. The pain of a spanking/whipping for the sake of punishment is truly different than that of the pain/pleasure i feel when it is for His pleasure (and mine).

Believe me, lesson learned..... mostly that i never want to be punished again. :) Not just because it hurt like hell, but because i know that He gets no joy in having to punish me.... and His joy and pleasure are my purpose, right?

What did your Owner say that He would have done?
Re: Morning princess

sub princess said:
What did your Owner say that He would have done? [/B]

Well, owner sez and this is a direct quote "There would be no computer, no books, no writing for at least a month period." (the writing of course hurts the worse as i am better with words on paper or screen than words out loud) Also: "There would be no point in physical punishment since you enjoy it too much for it to be effective, therefore it would be purely mental..the punishment i give you...with nothing else to do, you would HAVE to pay attention to me and learn your place" (which is also a true statemebt since i do tend to take physical pain alot better then his disappointment in me...hmmm)
Iwas tempted to try something to that effect but ummm.the way he looked at me...well needless to say...that is no longer an option...just giving it the thought got me in a kneel up position for nearly half an hour...balancing encyclopedias in outstretched hands.... kisses:kiss:
Re: Re: Morning princess

apet4you said:

Iwas tempted to try something to that effect but ummm.the way he looked at me...well needless to say...that is no longer an option...just giving it the thought got me in a kneel up position for nearly half an hour...balancing encyclopedias in outstretched hands.... kisses:kiss:

Ouch, sorry if i got ya in trouble.... :devil: WOW, that is a very interesting punishment your Owner thought of. my punishment also contains SEVERAL daily tasks that are less than pleasant (again of course, being that they ARE punishment). Believe me, i will NEVER again do what i did.... or even think about something so drastic.

And though i do like pain, and tolerate it pretty well, i hate it as punishment... not because of the pain itself, but knowing that i displeased Him.... it seems to intensify the emotional side of the pain... at least for me that is.
Re: Re: Re: Morning princess

sub princess said:
Ouch, sorry if i got ya in trouble.... :devil: WOW, that is a very interesting punishment your Owner thought of. my punishment also contains SEVERAL daily tasks that are less than pleasant (again of course, being that they ARE punishment). Believe me, i will NEVER again do what i did.... or even think about something so drastic.

And though i do like pain, and tolerate it pretty well, i hate it as punishment... not because of the pain itself, but knowing that i displeased Him.... it seems to intensify the emotional side of the pain... at least for me that is.

you did not get me in to trouble...i got myself into it...lol but it's ok now...and yes i do understand the whole pain not as bad as the disappointment thing...like i said...him caning or whipping me is foreplay...but if he is angry...well it would break my heart (and has...quite a few times...and that was just spankings w/ a paddle
I call them collectively "love marks", but occasionally, I get some worth naming on their own. There's not always a visible mark, and we at least try to avoid permanent scars. I can always feel them days later, though.
That's all that matters to me, the mark reminds me, constantly. I don't usually point them out to people, tell them what they are because I don't care what they think. they're for me, and the person who put them there.
psiberzerker said:
I call them collectively "love marks".........................
That's all that matters to me, the mark reminds me, constantly. I don't usually point them out to people, tell them what they are because I don't care what they think. they're for me, and the person who put them there.

Well, i wouldn't point mine out either..... they are typically in a place that is not for public viewing....;)
How about "Monkey Bites"? Yep, there was a wild monkey on the loose. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)

I enjoy marks too, but we just call them marks - as in being marked by Her. It brings even more reality to the scene, the physical marks on my body - as if every bit of me has been changed slightly, touched, marked, through the exchange.

And then they conveniently fade - though missed in a way - leaving a clean canvas for next time ALmost like a phoenix from the ashes. Although a permanent marking in relation to Her, like a tattoo, holds some appeal as well in the distant future.
lark sparrow said:
How about "Monkey Bites"? Yep, there was a wild monkey on the loose. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)

I enjoy marks too, but we just call them marks - as in being marked by Her. It brings even more reality to the scene, the physical marks on my body - as if every bit of me has been changed slightly, touched, marked, through the exchange.

And then they conveniently fade - though missed in a way - leaving a clean canvas for next time ALmost like a phoenix from the ashes. Although a permanent marking in relation to Her, like a tattoo, holds some appeal as well in the distant future.

lark sparrow ~ Congratulation on reaching 1000 posts !!! So what will your title be now?
re: D/s jargon

Just so that she knows to wear her submission with pride for valor and bravery in her duty, I call them medals.
kayte said:
lark sparrow ~ Congratulation on reaching 1000 posts !!! So what will your title be now?

Missed this, thank you, kayte. lol for now it is a whimsical contrast to my lit name, which tickles me... it's the title of a very, very campy film which is "an ode to the violence of women".
the marks are supposed to have a name?

Its funny because we never thought of naming them. We do call the ones around my neck and wrists that happen sometimes bracelets and necklaces but only so that we are careful that they do not show to the public.

He will say "Your bracelet is showing." Or if he grabs me around the wrist too hard the day after I'll say "Oh, my bracelet hurts."

I guess I'm glad that we don't name them.... that might be too much fun for him and I'd rather not get that many bruises.

Oh well.
right now, i've bee calling them markings but after reading these posts, me thinks that trainer should have sayso in the naming. in fact, i'm emailing right after i post this to ask. this is a very good question. i've learned something new today.


if you ain't weird, then you are.
rhody said:
right now, i've bee calling them markings but after reading these posts, me thinks that trainer should have sayso in the naming. in fact, i'm emailing right after i post this to ask. this is a very good question. i've learned something new today.


if you ain't weird, then you are.

Hi rhody... glad you learned something new.. i learn alot here too. The reason that my Master calls them "honors" is because it is an honor to receive a mark from Him.. it is an honor for me to receive all things from Him!

By the way, Welcome to Lit! :)

s.p. :rose: