What do you know?

oh, I know how to make a pretty good chicken soup.

Opening a can and heating the contents is not "making". :D

I make, from scratch, soups all the time. Especially for holiday meals. Last Thanksgiving my roasted acorn squash soup was a hit. I made extra so I could freeze some for lunches on cold winter days. Nope, there wasn't any left.

Which was fine, I know how to make more. All for me.
sissy knows many things but most people do not consider them important or relevant.
I think I fall in the category of “Jack of all trades, master of none”. I can fix just about anything on a house, car or airplane.

House. Car. Airplaine. You know, the usual stuff to fix. Airplane!? '

Aerodynamics, for the most part...

Hence, your name! How do you know stuff about aerodynamics?

In general I know a lot of (useless) stuff on a rather wide range of topics and that often surprises people. Need someone on your pub quiz team? I'm a good candidate.

But I guess my area of expertise would be something language related.

How many languages do you speak? How did you get on this path?
I make a great home made Chili from mild to butt burning hot. Depending on your liking.

I owned my own business for 30 years that allowed me to travel.

I also worked with developmentally disabled adults for many years. That was my true calling. They will make a bad day great. Non verbal autistic adults was my specialty.
Many interests..

My vocation is /was Chemical Engineering from which I am now retired. Seems like I have forgotten more than I ever knew about chemistry.:rolleyes:

I am pretty good with Microsoft Word and Excel.

I know how to convert VHS videotapes to digital video. Did all my family tapes a couple of years ago.

I read and study a lot of things: History, religion, science, to name a few.

And in the last few years I have learned a lot from Literotica. Haven't we all? I think I know how to give very good cunnilingus.;)
I know a whole lot about a lot of things I can never talk about...
And the geopolitical conditions in Eastern Europe and the Crimea.

Wow, we're a talented bunch...

[QUOTE...... I can drive big rigs (even back-up a set of doubles at 55 MPH); fix some clocks and watches; repair cars and motorcycles; restore/repair/rebuild houses (all trades and systems); and fish and sail and a few other things not worth mentioning.

learned to fly but never took the tests.
Sigh, I don't know a goddamn thing.
I know a little about almost everything.

What a crushingly depressing thread.

Which is to say; nothing. I don't certifiably know a damn thing.
To be honest, me too! What I did know is obsolete or illegal.
A lot about nothing useful. A decent amount of Danish. A lot about politics, which used to be fun but now makes me sick.

I make a mean homemade peach jam in the summer.

And can keep a secret, at least according to the government.
I'm okay with people. Children, dogs, and cats generally find me tolerable.

I know a bit about pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

I can do a decent job of managing on not very much money.

I can give a dressing change and co-wrap a burn patient from neck to toes.

I have a surprising ability to parallel park large family vehicles despite the fact that my vision isn't very good.

And I'm embarrassingly adept at blushing and giggling. :rolleyes:
Just kinda stumbled into this category...

I know music theory and application better than I know anything else, specifically in arranging for guitar. Not at all about 'baby' chords, like G, C and D (which of course I play in many songs), but the complexities of jazz passing-chord movements / dissonance to resolution and such. I have a very advanced musical vocabulary... I just wish I could sing better.
I know how to hold my shit together. I know how to cry without a single tear falling. I know how to scream without making a sound. I know how to face the abyss.