What do you like? A or B?

A. Rush
B. Insert another Canuck band here

B. Cowboy Junkies

A. Silver


B. Gold

No question. Easiest one.


It just resonates with me more than white metals. Some white metals might have more material value, but not more romance. Not more history, not more bizarre relationship with us.

A. Fresh, raw juice

B. Flavoured milk

( I have no idea where this question came from)

A. Juice

A. Watch a movie at home
B. Watch a movie in the theater
A) Olympic National Rainforest, WA

B) Coconino National Forest, AZ

A) Olympic National Park/ Rainforest everyday of the week - HANDS DOWN!

Approach to everything:

A. Fast and with passion

B slow and with appreciation

Ummm. this is hard because dear Elle - I would not phrase these in this binary way.
I approach everything with Passion... but hardly anything FAST.

I am just going to pass it on and see if anyone else does better with it.

A) Olympic National Park/ Rainforest everyday of the week - HANDS DOWN!

Ummm. this is hard because dear Elle - I would not phrase these in this binary way.
I approach everything with Passion... but hardly anything FAST.

I am just going to pass it on and see if anyone else does better with it.


Agree, and also how about almost everything?

Passed it too.
Fast/passion - I jump in feet first and figure out what the heck I did later...

A. Mermaid?


B. Merman?

Fast/passion - I jump in feet first and figure out what the heck I did later...

A. Mermaid?


B. Merman?


A. Mermaid. totally. Mermen freak me out.

A. women who wear glasses?

B. women who wear their hair in buns?

(I know, call it the library look question.....)

BUT, I have to say, the Kindle is addictive for browsing, since book stores seem to have disappeared.:(

Favorite Summer thang?

Corn on the Cob?

both on my picnic!!


A. strawberries
B. peaches