What do you NEED right now? pt 2

Not a thing…

However, the “want” list seems to be an ever-expanding litany of the mundane and the fantastic.
I really need to cum.., horny as hell to night, naked in the lazyboy..., stroking my cock
If I'm being honest, I need a break. Does anyone else just get tired of life? I think I'm there. I would enjoy some time just for me. To do what I want to do. When I want to do it. And not have to worry about anyone else's feelings.

To be selfish for a bit of time. That's what I want right now.
If I'm being honest, I need a break. Does anyone else just get tired of life? I think I'm there. I would enjoy some time just for me. To do what I want to do. When I want to do it. And not have to worry about anyone else's feelings.

To be selfish for a bit of time. That's what I want right now.
Amen. 2 weeks by myself, no family. Magical.